loki and sad cinnamon roll

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taking place in thor ragnarok, reader is a very mentally ill babu that needs protecc at all times from herself. she is walking down da street when she literally bumps into thor and loki, sending her to da ground. he helps her up and is about to say thx when she thinks she sees someone important. running towards da person, mc forgets to pay attention and is almost run over by a car when thor saves her. but right when she is saved, he is transported to the place with strange.

in all of this loki is intrigued by the puny human because she has a weird, fearful yet strong aura and he cannot read her mind at times.

back to da babu, when the doctor tries to get her to go back to her apartment via portal, she thinks that she's finally losing her mind and has a panic attack. thor, because he's such a sweetheart, takes her through the portal leading to odin to show her that she's not crazy.   loki is pulled out of the void and they go in, and he's skeptical of reader going with them, and complains as they go in. but then they get to odin and the heart wrenching moment happens, and reader is forgotten momentarily.

she's remembered only when she screams at ms. death, and ms. death tries to attack her but loki and thor protect her like the badasses they are. yet when they're fighting in the bifrost, reader is pushed with loki, and they fall to that one planet. loki and her are found by scrappers, and the god uses his magic to deceive them into thinking that he's a wealthy king with his servant, and they let him go visit the grand master. loki's able to get past the looks of the emperor, but the reader doesn't make it any easier because of her episodes.

eventually, the handsome boi is able to form a connection with sad cinnamon roll, and this results in him protecting her from lustful eyes in the tower. however, this piques the grand masters attention, but then thor comes in as a distraction. cue rest of the movie up until they're ready to leave. nobody knows what to do with reader, and thor and loki get into an argument on who should take her. while they're fighting, babu slips away and has an episode, but this time it's her worst one. she hasn't had one since she's been with loki, but now that they're fighting and there's distress, the pain comes back to her.

she tries to take her life, but loki senses her distress and teleports to her just as she's about to do it. "y/n, why would you do such a thing?!" "i'm just extra baggage. it'd be so much easier for you all if i was gone." "blasphemy! who told you such a thing?!" "(insert name of former bully) and silver lady."

loki gets angry at valkyrie, but before he goes to fite, "y/n, (former bully) is gone, and silver lady is a bitch-" "but don't you like her? you did the woohoo" she blurts, and the sexy man scoffs. "just because i had sex with her doesn't mean i love her. my heart belongs to someone else"

gUeSs WhO iT iS

"oh" babu sulks, and turns to go back to the ship when handsome boi kisses her. then they share tender moment, but it's ruined by big blonde oaf. "brOther, it's time to leave" and they leave to fight ms. death.

reader is feeling like scum when ms. death gets her from behind. "nOoOoOoOoOo" loki cris.





and they win and happily ever after

da end

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