Mission: Engage (FEATURED)

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My teeth gritted, as Swift's hulking frame sailed through the air, thrown back by a bullet. His body crunched into the solid desk of the luxury suite.


"Max, what's happening?" PJ vibrated through my ear peice.

Another shot whizzed past my shoulder. Spinning on my leather boots, I pinpointed the attacker. "Swift's down!" Taking aim, and pulling the trigger. The man across the hotel room ducked-but not quick enough. A gurgling scream escaped as my bullet hit his throat.

137, die sucker.

I felt no remorse for that one.

My partner groaned, as I dodged around the torn up furniture. "Swift, stay with me." I murmured.

"You got five on your tail; six above; eight below."

"How long?" I heaved Swift's body, his shorn head lolling.

"Six minutes, tops."

We've been in tighter.

"Max, get out." Swift slurred. "Leave me."

I barked a laugh. "Like hell am I letting you be the hero." I retrieved a syringe from my waist pack. Not hesitating to stab the morphine straight into his ruptured leg.

"Fuck!" Swift jolted forwards, blood spouting from the wound.

"Stay still, moron." I hissed, my wild eyes, searching. I grabbed a curtain-tie, wrapping the rope and forcefully stemming the blood flow.

"Four minutes."

"Let's go." I wiped crimson onto the bed sheets.

"You can't carry me, Max." Swift insisted.

Black tendrils fell into my face. "Cause I'm a girl?" I raised a brow.

Swift rolled his eyes, grimacing.

"There's a laundry cart outside your door. 3 minutes."

I sprinted, throwing open the door. Cart wheels rattled as I returned. "Can you get in?"

"Sure, let me just remove a bullet from my leg!" Swift growled.

"Upperbody strength, man." I began hoisting.

"Enough chitchat, get out!"

I heard them before they were seen, heavy footfall.


Dumping Swift on top of clean linen, I raised my gun again.

"Three... Two..."

Bam! The revolver in my hand jumped, a man crumpled like sand.


Two more barrelled into the room. This time it was Swift's shots that nailed them.

"At least you can still aim." I sniggered, pushing the cart forwards and past the dead bodies- blood seeping into the carpet.

"On your left."

I threw out my elbow, bone crunched beneath it. I didn't watch the enemy fall.

"Next right."

Jogging along the hallway, it was eerily silent.

"About Tokyo-" Swift drawled.

"Eight months and you wanna talk now!" I muttered.

"Can't think of a better time." Swift's head rested on the metal rail.

"You proposed, drunk!"

"Guys, focus! They're in the elevators."

"My offer still stands."

"You're on morphine."


I glanced up, men in black scuttled out the lifts like ants.

"I mean, you and I-"

"Shut up and shoot!" I brandished my gun once more, cries followed.

139... 140... 141


142... 143

A bullet ricocheted off the narrow walls, almost hitting my hip.

I dived.

They were on us, Swift's gun too silent.

Damn him!

"Wake up, and I'll marry you!"

LOL! This was too fun to write. So... First time writing action. What did you think?
Thanks for reading, please vote :)
Escapethepeace x

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