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Alexis was beautiful she has long flowing blonde hair with defined bouncy curls around the edges, her eyes are blue they remind me of the Puerto rican waters on a perfect day with the sun in the shining on the waves from a perfect angle , like a million fireflies lighting up the night. I kept on thinking getting lost in a daydream. Her lips are luscious and full like the seats of a brand new Rolls Royce phantom that just rolled off the lot, and her skin is a perfect bronze the kind people most people bake under the sun for.
Alexis was the kind of girl that looks like she had everything handed to her, but with a heroin addicted mother and a abusive father its hard to get to where she's at from where she's been. Just by talking to her you wouldn't be able to tell. She's very good about masking her background. "Whats the case about"? She said stopping my train of thought bringing me back to reality.
"Now Alexis you know if i give you any details about the case i would be breaking the law and could loose my law degree" i replied while walking over to the cofee machine . "Oh come on Mr.Lee isnt that ah risk your willing to take for me"? "You know I'm just interested in what your doing in there all day" she said in her sweetest voice "Nah not at all" i replied quickly "what? How could you say no to this face?"she said pouting
"You know i cant give any details out" "if anything happened or was to get out it would hurt more then it would help, and with a mouth like yours i just cant chance it". "You trying to say you don't like my mouth?" Alexis replied as if that was the only thing she heard out of everything I said
"You know i love everything about your mouth" I said while leaning in closer to Alexis resting my elbows on her desk." Everything" she said in almost a whisper I inched closer and closer until i was nose to nose with her. "everythi" i started to say before Alexis would cut me off meeting me in the middle for a kiss .
One kiss leads to another kiss then another kiss. Alexis had Bran'Dins tie wrapped around her hand in a firm grip holding him in the spot he's in, with his mouth on her hers and their tounges interlocked and and lips smacking on each other she wanted every kiss to last and forever.
"Like i said i love everything about your mouth, how about i come over later so u can show me what else it can do". I said wiping her cherry red lipstick off my mouth." Sounds great! Im not doing anything tonight, i was just going to go home cook dinner, throw on a movie and look over some papers" "perfect i'll call you later when I'm on my way" i said "alright that works for me" she said with ah sexy seductive smile.
"Good morning Bran'Din" Terrence said getting off the elevator interrupting me and Alexis little make out session . Terrence was one of the other lawyers that work at my firm. I met Terrence in law school we had some of the same classes, and in every class i had with with him he would always give me the notes if i missed a day. Me Mikey and Terrence helped each other out a-lot during School.
When Terrence's grandpa died me and Mikey was the only ones to really look out for him, and make sure he didn't give up on being a lawyer. Terrence's mom abandoned him and his dad when he was 4. So he doesn't know anything about her side of the family, and the only person from his dads side that stills talk his is his Aunt Mioshi hasn't heard from his dads side of the family since his dads funeral.
Terrence was mixed he wasn't all the way black but not all the way white, like a freshly brewed cup of coffee with just enough creamer in it giving him a light complexioned color.

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