Heres a lilttle bit more

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He has dark brown doughy eyes, with heavy bags underneath full of pain .
     He was about 5'8  or 5'9 around the same height as me. He always stayed well dressed and groomed, like he was always ready for any situation no matter what time of the day it was. He has jet black hair with waves wrapped around  from corner to corner, almost like each individual wave is perfectly matched with the one next to it almost like the waves are constantly crawling.
     "Good morning Terrence" "good morning" Me and Alexis replied back " hows your morning going" i went on to ask "so far it's been really good" Terrence responded eagerly "oh what made it so good?" Alexis asked.
     "To start it off my chef woke me up to the best Belgium waffles I've  ever tasted, freshly squeezed orange juice, and freshly crisped toast". "Sounds good" I said  lightly rubbing my stomach. "Plus i just got a phone call this morning from my auntie saying she just got this big promotion shes been waiting on".
     "That is good news! Tell her i said congratulations" i said happily " I'm hoping to get some more good news to" Terrence said " Oh yea? Whats that?" I asked "Here let me show you" Terrence said turning so that he was facing Alexis " Alexis do you want to go and see the smooth riders? There gonna be in town tonight, and i remember you saying you want to see them" Terrence asked anxiously
    "Umm tonight doesn't work for me i already have plans with Bran'Din " she said sharply crushing any hopes Terrence had of hanging out with Alexis outside of her house. Alexis never fails to remind me that shes never seen the inside of Terrence's house and doesn't care to.
"Maybe next time" she said lookin back at her computer. "Tonights the only night there going to be in town, and i thought me and you could have some fun" " sorry" she said not taking her eyes off the computer screen. "Maybe next time" Terrence said walking off towards his office. "You still want to grab some lunch with me and Mikey on break? This new sushi restaurant opened up downtown and we're trying to go try it out"
     "I'm good i think i'm just going to order some Chinese or something" he said  reaching for the door knob to his office." Don't let Alexis put you in your feelings, you have been eating lunch with us everyday since you got here last year." I said trying to lift him up a lil bit.
     "I'm good I'm not worried about that at all you know i can find somebody else to go wit me no problem", He said throwing his hand in the air reassuring me Alexis answer didn't hurt his feelings. "Alright call me after the concert and let me know how it goes" I said " Alright" Terrence said walking in his office not waiting for a reply.
     "I think you hurt his feelings" i said looking at Alexis "He'll be ok" she said to me as i started to walk away from her desk towards my office "your right he's a big kid" i said on my way into my office closing the door behind me. I put my suit jacket on the hook and walked over to the bar. It was a classical style bar long and slim like a average dinning room table.
    It has crystal clear shot glasses with "Lee and Lee Attorneys at law" printed on every glass. The glasses are lined on the top two rows against the wall, completed with white bar taps with shiny gold for the trim, also with "Lee and Lee Attorneys at law" printed on every handle, and some of the best liquor in the world cluttered the underneath cabinets.
     After taking a couple shots i made my way over to my desk sat down and started looking over some open cases. It was going on 11:30 and my morning appointment still wasn't here. I reached for my phone to call and see what was holding him, before i could get a finger on my phone it started ringing. I didnt have to even check the caller id i thought to my self as i picked up the phone.
     "Good afternoon beautiful" i said answering the phone its my wife Bella doing her daily check up."Good afternoon handsome how was your morning?" She asked " it was just a regular Wednesday morning honey, I feel like i could've ate more before i came in"
     "Baby you should've woke me up and I could've cooked you something before you left, what all did you eat?""I just to McDonalds and got a mcgriddle and two hash browns" "a million dollars and your still eating Mcdonalds? I could've cooked you a 5 star meal before you left" "it's ok I was just looking for something quick anyway, I thought I had a client coming

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