⇓Chapter 1⇓ the Avatar's Angel

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Kana's POV

I woke up to find that I was guarded by statues made of ice, metal, and earth, along with a lava pit, wind traps, and multiple swords. I laughed and shook my head, Aang and the others must've been worried about leaving me in my slumber. I stood up and stretched my large black angle wings.

I flew over the traps and statues before sniffing the air, even after all the years, I can still pick up on Katara's, Toph's, and Zuko's scents.

Katara's scent is closer so I fluttered my wings before taking off.

I finally made it to the Southern Water Tribe. I saw an old woman who has the same hair style as Katara, and the same scent. "KATARA!" I call out. She turns and looks up to see me flying towards her.

Her eyes widened and a smile broke through her wrinkled lips. "Kana! It's nice to see you've finally awakened." She smiled as I landed in front of her, enveloping her in a hug.

A voice then spoke from behind us. "Um... lady Katara, who may this be?" One of the old men next to her stared at me. Ignoring him, I look back to Katara. "So, since I've awakened, who's the new Avatar?" I asked.

The men seem to steam in frustration. "That would be me!" A proud girl announced, standing in Firebending armour. I walk over to her, my knee length, wavy blue hair bouncing slightly with each step I take.

I placed my forehead against her's and closed my eyes.

Korra's POV

The girl rested her forehead against mine and closed her indigo coloured eyes. Her body started to glow gently and the glow died down as she slowly opened her eyes taking a step back from me. She raised her head and smiled gently at me. "Yup, she's Wan's reincarnation alright!" She chirped.

She then kneeled down on one knee, resting her left forearm on her bent knee and her right fist on the ground. "Avatar Korra, I Kana, Guardian of the Avatars, am now at your disposal." She said in a serious tone.

I stared at her, blinked three time, then my jaw dropped. "HUUUHHH..!" Me and the elders of the White Lotus shouted, Katara just chuckled at our reactions.

"Kana, I think you should stand and explain things properly." Katara suggested. "Yeah.... and please don't bow to me...." I added, the girl, Kana, stood up and we all made our way to some nearby tables.

No One's POV

As Kana explained exactly what she was and why she was here and how she knew Katara, the elders looked at her with shock, whiles Korra could not place her emotions of shock and confusion.

"So.... let me get this straight... You're half Lion Turtle and half Fallen Angle, that explains your wings, and you've been around since the first Avatar!?" Korra attempted to summarize a bit of what she was just told.

Kana nodded her yes. "And you're also saying that its your duty to train me in sub-elements like you did for all Avatars before?" Kana gave another curt nod and smile.

Soaking in this information, Korra blinked a few times. "Cool!" She slugged an arm around Kana's shoulders. "Then from here on in, we're friends!" Korra announced happily.

Kana broke out into a kind smile. "Yup! Friends for eternity!!"


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