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  All was quiet in the mansion. The voices gone, and the lights off. It was times like these when the creatures inside seemed normal.
  You see, the inhabitants of this household were no other than the greatest murderers of all time. The inhabitants of this household enjoyed the smell of blood and the sounds of screams fading into the night. It made them feel... Complete, in a way.
  Every single one of them has lost something. Some have lost love, some have lost their minds, some have lost their lives.
At first, they didn't know what to make if it. Taking another breath, not hearing voices, seeing glimpses of their loved ones. Eventually, they excepted it, they learned not to question.
Well, most of them did. One person in particular still can't believe it. He sees his sister just beyond his reach, he breathes once more, his tormentors have somehow disappeared from his thoughts.
The person's name is Toby. He was seventeen years of age when he lost his life, he was four years of age when he lost his mind, he was sixteen years of age when he lost his sister.
His sister's name was Lyra.
Lyra was his best friend, his only friend actually. The sky was littered with clouds on the day of her death.
They had been driving to the pharmacy to get his medication when a drunk driver drove into their lane. In a desperate attempt to save them, Lyra pulled the steering wheel to the left. They drove off the highway, down a hill, and into a tree. Toby will never forget the sight of his sister. Left eye, hanging out of the socket. Jaw dislocated. Breathing faint. Blonde hair matted with blood.
No, that image would haunt his mind for the rest of his life.
That was why at 2:48 in the morning, Tobias Erin Rogers, woke up in a cold sweat.
He had experienced another one of his nightmares. Well, flashbacks more like. He would see a big man hitting a woman. He would see a few kids making fun of his Tourette's. He would see a ring of fire surrounding him as red and blue lights flashed in the distance.
He didn't know what to make of these images. When he had become Slenderman's proxy, he had lost all of his memories of his past life. At the moment, he was trying to sort it all out. He had heard stories of the other's past lives, but he had always thought that they were making it all up. Everyone knew that the boss thinks that memories only drag them down. Why would he choose a small group of his worker's memories to be returned? It didn't make sense to Toby; but now, he's not sure.
  Why else would he see such clear images of a boy who looks exactly like him surrounded by others who share quite a few similarities?
  Toby has a theory.
  He thinks that he might be viewing scenes from his life before Slenderman. He knows that it's completely stupid but it's the only thing he can think of.
  Toby tiredly lets out a yawn, his shoulder twitching slightly.
'Fucking Tourette's.'
He thinks to himself as he stares up at the rotting ceiling. 'why couldn't I get a better room?' Toby sadly thinks.
  It is a very valid question. There are over 100 rooms in the mansion. Only 28 of them being used by someone.
'they fucking hate you that's why!' One of Toby's 'voices' say.
  Here's another strange fact about Toby, before he met Slender. He just barely remembers hearing voices, of course, he didn't start remembering this until two months ago.
Toby was having another nightmare, but this one was different from the others. He had dreamt of a boy about six years of age curled up in a ball in the corner of what seems to be a classroom. The image was blurry at first, it eventually cleared up to reveal a small child who looked like a mini him sitting in the corner of a room with his small hands tightly covering his ears. He had tears streaming down his face, leaving little lines in their wake.
The other children were staring at him. Their faces either showed joy, fear or worry. That's when the dream began to get fuzzy, it would skip to him being yelled at by an older woman, and eventually to an old man hitting him repeatedly.
The morning after that, he was confused as all Hell. It had to have been a memory, he isn't smart enough to create shit that detailed.
Toby checks the time again.
9:26 AM
The digital numbers read.
Toby immediately jumped up and threw on some clothes.
Twitch, what the shit?
Toby ran down the stairs almost silently, it was a skill he acquired when he became a proxy. He walks to the dining room, everyone was talking. Toby winces, he hates it when people are loud. That wasn't the only bad thing though, the only open seat was beside Tim. You see, Toby has had a huge crush on the masked man for around three weeks. A light blush spread across his face that was fortunately concealed by his mouth guard.
  Toby quietly made his way to the spot, his heart ramming against his chest. He sits down quickly, trying to look like he had been there the entire time, his presence when unnoticed for the most part.
  " Toby, where the fuck were you?!" Timothy whispers to the twitching teen, his voice held both concern and agitation.
  " Fuck off, Timothy." Toby growls back, glaring at the food in front of him. He crossed his arms and avoided everyone's eyes, just like most days.
  " No, you're going to tell me why you are an hour late!" Timothy argues, trying to keep as quiet as he possibly could.
  " FUCK OFF! BITCH- CATS- I'm a bitch!" He whistled and slapped himself.
  This action attracted quite a bit of attention, most of the other psychos looked over at him with amusement.
  "Toby... Where were you?" A commanding voice questions.
  Toby feels a small chill run down his spine as he bows. " S-Sor-ry, si-ir. I-I...."
  " Forgive me, master. I kept Tobias awake for most of the night, my apologies." Timothy cuts in, bowing beside Toby.
  " Is this true?"
  Toby nods quickly, his finger twitching.
  " You are dismissed... I am very disappointed."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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