Chapter 1

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A/N: Ieson is pronounced Ice-son 

                 Ieson was a normal kid in grade 8. He was shorter for his age, had messy brown hair, and wore black and grey most of the time. When he woke up he felt nauseous and when he tried to get up his knees collapsed and he banged his head off the floor. He crawled to his pills on the shelf across from him. Why didn't I put my pills closer?  Ieson wondered as he banged his head off the ground for the second time. After a few seconds, Ieson got his bottle of pills and twisted the cap off. He threw two pills into his mouth and fell to the ground as he swallowed them.
          After waiting a few seconds face down the effect had started to wear off. He sat on his knees and put his pills into his pocket. As he stood back up his feet started to get more and more wobbly. He spread his stance out and started to walk out the door and down the steps to his living room. From the stairs, he noticed his mother was reading the newspaper while his father was nowhere to be found.
          "Hey, mom? Where has dad gone off to now?" he inquired, making his mom look his way.  She shrugged and turned back to her newspaper.
         "I don't know honey, but he probably went to the bar while we were sleeping" she replied as Ieson walked to get something to eat.
         "Do I piss him off that much?"  he queried while ripping a piece of chocolate off his Coffee Bar and tossing it into his mouth. He put the rest of his Coffee bar into his mouth and grabbed his oversized purple jacket.
         "Oh no, he is just overworking himself that's all. A person always has his limits. But he would never be mad at you honey." She replied with a slight smile. Ieson nodded to her and grabbed his bag and dragged it to the door.
        "I'm leaving now! Bye," he yelled as he was still chewing. His mom nodded and went back to the newspaper as the door slammed shut. As he was walking down he noticed a man in a black trench coat come out of an alley, looking both ways before turning back. "What a joke." he snorted, right before getting pulled back by his collar.
         Ieson was calm at first but then the longer he was being dragged, the more scared he became. He started to kick and punch the hand but the man didn't flinch once. Soon they came upon an intersection of three alleys. The man dropped Ieson, making him scramble away from the trench coat guy.
        "What do you want?" Ieson worriedly asked as the guy chuckled a darkly before pulling two black bracelets out of the trench coat and tossing them to the brunette who caught them albeit messily. "The hell are these?" Ieson pondered, inspecting the small bracelets that held many scratches and cracks. When Ieson looked back up, the man was gone. The brunette looked around for the man until he gave up and ran to his school.

<<Timeskip brought to you by Ieson trying to get candy while the guy in a trench coat holds his hood>>

            The bell rang, signifying the students of the last period. Ieson looked at today's schedule to see gym for the final period. Of course, I get the gym class for last period. Ieson sneered in is mind, he was too scrawny to do it. As he was walking, a metallic smell came into his nose so he looked around for it, but only found a droplet of blood. Ieson ignored this and kept walking towards the gym doors until he found a note hanging on them. It read;
        "Go in, if you dare!" Ieson pondered on what this could mean, was there a wild animal? Or was it a prank? Figuring he didn't care, he stepped through doors to see the darkened room with a headless corpse on the floor laying inside of a pentagram made with blood and candles at each point. The brunette covered his mouth to keep him from vomiting at the sight of splattered blood and intestines. A loud and ghastly voice rang out from the darkness, the sound bouncing and echoing.
         "Oh, it's the son of darkness! What a pleasant surprise!" the voice chuckled, before stepping out of the shadows, showing his bald pale head with four dripping black tentacles popping out from his back. His smile was big with sharp, pointy teeth, and crimson liquid between the cracks of each tooth. His brown shirt was stained with blood and dirt, while it was ripped in several spots, showing his pale white skin.
          Ieson scrambled backwards, tripping before he tumbled to the ground. He quickly scooted away from the pale male. " W-who are you?!" Ieson quavered, his pupils dilating as his eyes moved from the carcass of a human and the pale tentacle humanoid. "W-why d-did you call m-me the son of darkness?!" the being took a step forward, making Ieson crawl a bit backwards, lightly smacking his head against the wall.
         The being's smile remained as he tilted his head and the scarlet fluid oozed out of the cracks of his teeth. "Now where's the fun in that? Nowhere, but..." he trailed off as one tentacle extended around his shoulder while he opened his mouth and tilted it up as the tentacle followed, causing blood to drip into his mouth. The being looked back to the squeamish brunette before exclaiming "The names Karak. Now you have to die, sorry, not sorry" he chuckled before dashing at the boy, who crossed his arms in an X formation in a futile attempt of blocking.

          A loud clang of metal rang out while the brunette slammed his eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable death awaiting. When nothing came he opened one eye to see all four of Karak's tentacles were stopped by a transparent eggplant-like coloured shield. Widening his eyes as steam started to sizzle from the origin point of the tentacle. Karak jumped back as the tentacles followed, glowing a bright red from the heat while the brunette widened his navy blue eyes as the shield shimmered before moulding into two Xiphoi, a one-handed double-edged greek sword.
          The pale humanoid growled at the dark energy being emitted from the black bracelets covering Ieson's wrists as a violet energy covered the bracelets cracks as they started to mend as the bracelets turned into shackles as the chains connected to the pommel of the Xiphoi. The dark force crawled up the brunette's arm, wrapping itself to his neck, creating a hexagon shaped cobalt locket with two swords crossed in the middle. The Energy didn't stop at the neck but crawled up his chin and entered his mouth, eyes, and ears giving a luminescent glow to it as Ieson's eyes glowed a menacing purple as the boy held his head down.
           Karak rushed the boy again as he stood up and clenched the swords in his hands. Swinging his tentacle the pale humanoid smirked before his tentacle slowly fell off and spewed black liquid as he looked back as his smirk disintegrated into a shocked expression which quickly turned into a scowl due to the boy turning his head around with his eyes glowing a fluorescent purple as his frown turned into a smile, his arm holding the Xiphos up.

          The tentacle bearing creature growled at the brunette, glaring into the radiant purple eyes that he hated so much. "You... you bastard, taking over my prey. You won't escape retribution!" He screamed as he lunged at the possessed boy, who merely smirked and readied his Xiphoi. As the humanoid slammed his tentacles down which the spirit-controlled-boy easily blocked by crossing his swords in an X. 
          The possessed Ieson vanished into a purple gas and reappeared behind the demonic enemy and twirled around cutting off the last the three tentacles Karak had left. "Too easy. Just like old times, eh?" Ieson exclaimed in a gravelly voice as he landed on the floor with a soft thud. The demon shrieked and jumped forward and crawled around with a panicked look in his eyes. The black liquid oozed down his brown shirt, creating a pool on the ground. 
            The pale monster growled at the elder spirit as he retreated into the shadows. The spirit sighed as footsteps began to get louder and the sound of fire sizzling grew louder. The spirit let go of his control over Ieson, letting the boy fall onto the ground and entered the locket that glowed lilac as the doors to the gym slammed open, showing a man in a brown trench coat with a black sweatshirt beneath it. Strapped to his waist was vials of crimson red fluid, while his hands were covered in flames.
           The man had a watch on his left forearm and dark brown hair with a tuft of dyed white hair while he had started growing a beard. The man had sectoral heterochromia eyes, the center green while the outside was blue. His eyes traversed the room before locking onto Ieson. He ran towards the young male before sliding and checking his pulse. After the boy was confirmed to be alive, the trench-coated man picked him up and created a swirling ring of fire before stepping through, leaving a bloody gym room as the lights flickered on.

Ieson The Hero Of Mages: The Black Magicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن