Earth Two!Floyd Lawton x Male!Reader

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"It's Crushing Me."

It was a rainy, dark day on Earth Two. It was about 9:00 on Saturday and Floyd was past terrified. He was cuddled up on his boyfriends lap as they watched TV, shaking slightly.

"Are you okay, Baby?" Y/N asks softly, playing the the boys hair.

Floyd blushes and nods, not wanting Y/N to worry about him. They had been dating for about a year now and it was the happiest year of Floyd's life. Y/N was a professional huntsman so he'd often help Lawton practice his shooting. Not that it helped. It took everything Floyd had not to freak out every time he shot a gun. Which isn't good because he's a cop.

Suddenly the lightning charges and Floyd yelps, falling into the floor with tears in his eyes. Y/N looks at him before helping him up into a hug. Floyd cuddles up to Y/N, crying softly into his shoulder as Y/N rubs his back softly, trying to calm the little down.

"Shh. It's okay, Baby. I'm here." Y/N says softly. "I'll protect you."

Floyd looks up at him with big blue doe eyes, his face a soft pink from crying and embarrassment. "Why is Lightning so scary?"

"Because, Babe." Y/N says softly, running his hand through Floyd's hair, hearing him purr softly and push against his hand, telling him not to stop. "Because it scares off the evil monsters. Think of it as monsters being scared off."

"M-monsters?" He asks scares.

"Yeah babe, monsters." Y/N says with a smirk.

"Wh-what type of monsters?" Floyd asks, shaking violently.

The rain was still pouring and Y/N looks at Floyd. He was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and a baby blue tank top. His feet were covered with blue fuzzy socks and sheep slippers he had gotten for his birthday from Y/N. Y/N on the other hand was wearing just his black boxers and a tight white undershirt. His feet were bare and cold, but he didn't mind.

"You know," Y/N stars, placing his hands on Floyd's side and tickling him. "Tickle monsters!"

Floyd squirms and laughs loudly, his face turning red. Y/N stops tickling him and Floyd smiles sweetly, resting his head on his chest. Floyds eyes close softly as his ears are filled with Y/Ns soft heart beat.

Y/N and Floyd met in a bar near the police station. Floyd was cowering in the corner from the loud music and Y/N had almost tripped on him. He comforted him and brought him to his home. Everything else just happened.

"Baby," Y/N says softly. "Is someone sleepy?"

"Mhmm." He says softly, nodding.

"Common, Baby. I'll bring you to your bed."

He moans softly as Y/N picks him up gently, cradling him bridal style as the man wraps his hands around his lover's neck. Y/N gently walks him down the hallway to the bedroom. He places Floyd on the dark blue comforter before putting a blanket over him, tucking him in for a moment before sitting on the bed.

"I love you." Y/N says softly.

"I love you too." He says sweetly.

He leans down softly and kisses his forehead, Floyd smiling in response before Y/N reaches over and turns the lamp off.

"I'll be in bed in a few minutes. Just have to finish something."

"Okay. Be quick. It's cold with out you."

"Of course, babe."

Y/N stands up and walks out of the room, closing it. He hears a soft click from inside the room and, from experience, he knew Floyd just turned on his nightlight. Y/N smiles softly and walks down the hall into the kitchen. He goes over to the sink and turns the water on, making it warm before starting to do the dishes. He smiles as he washes Floyd's plate that was practically covered in ketchup from his dinosaur chicken nuggets. He finishes cleaning them and wipes his hands off with a towel before starting to dry them, putting them away as he dried them.

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