The strange beginning.

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Hello, I am Thranduil, I am in 2018. I can't get used to this sort off life.. But now I am finally in peace in my own room.. But after a while a guard came into my room: "sire! The Orcs, they have returned!" I looked up and frownd. "They are gone aren't they?" "They have a new leader: 'Punga', he rules all the orcs now!" After saying that he wanted to leave. But I stopped him: "tell the other guards that they need to close all the gates! No one enters this kingdom, and no one leaves it!" A few hours later I was in my Pyji's, and my bunny slipper. I held my wine glass in my right hand. And I was slowly getting tired, so decided to go to bed. After a scary dream I woke up. I looked on my watch: 3:41 AM. "This'll be a long night." I stood up. I didn't want to sleep anymore. I remembered something; "I didn't wake up off a scary dream, but knocking on the window!" I walked to my window, but didn't see anything.  I couldn't sleep anymore. So I went behind my laptop. "What shall I do this morning?-" Before I could say anything he heard gunshots. It sounded in my kingdom. I stood up and went to my door and opened it. I couldn't see anyone, but than I saw shades. "What was that?" I looked scared and looked in my chest if I had any weapons. I saw my sword, but remembered those where old stuff, so I took my gun. It was nothing really for me. I heard Orcs saying things in black speech. I was ready to attack. The door opened and I saw a shadow. I wanted to shoot but saw who it was: Legolas. "Ionneg? What are you doing here so late?" Legolas looked at his watch. "You should already have slept, I woke up 'cause of you!" He walked to me and put me into my bed, he pulled the blanket up and stood up. I said: "Ionneg? Didn't you hear those gunshots? And knocking on the window?" My son shook his head, "no Ada." He went out off my room. "And Legolas! I am no baby anymore, éh?" I fell asleep. And I thought: What was this all about?

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