A confusing question

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I scared off seeing the face of Sauron. "Why are you here?" I asked, looking at my gun in the hands of my Ionneg: Legolas.. "I am here because I am going to rule your people!" He answered it with the voice over of my son. And Sauron dissappeared. I was pale like Azog once was. I never have scared so much in my life, nor stood alone with Sauron. Legolas fainted so I must take care off myself. "I need to calm down! Where's my wine?" I looked and looked and looked, I didn't find any wine but I found a suspicious stone lying in my room. "What is this?" I picked it up. "I have never seen this before..." My Ionneg woke up. And I looked at him, there was a creepy quietness. Than I looked at the stone. No one said a thing! The stone, and funny enough, my son gave me a feeling from Sauron. Finally I said something: "I must go to the lady Galadriel." Legolas nodded, but didn't know what was going on, and why I looked so strange. I took my cape and crown. And commanded: "Bring me my Elk! I need it!" I cried and went to my Elk. It was interesting. It felt as if everything was lying under a dark spell. I took my gun and my sunglasses. I felt cool that way. And I spoke to one of the guards: "You'll see me when I come, and say to Legolas that he needs to take care  of this kingdom!" I was riding to lady Galadriel. She was the only one whom I could trust. "Welcome, my lord!" She said with a smile, "what brings you here?" I looked back and smiled: "My feet!" I smirked, "no- I found this stone in my chest, and it feels like a powerful magic...." The lady looked. But held her mouth shut. Her eyes widened, "I- can't give the answer. There is only one who can do it without getting cursed..." She looked to her home, hoping for something but I didn't know what to expect. I saw a shade coming outside, I heard he had a gun. He was ready to shoot! BENG! I jumped backwards. But no one fell: "What are you doing, my lord?" Asked Galadriel. I new again: my mind was playing with me again. The shadow cams closer by. "Thranduil, this is my daughter..."

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