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"I'm screwed! I'm so screwed!" I shout as my feet slap against the uneven jungle floor.

There's no need to be silent anymore. They had spotted me as I was trying to sneak away from their camp.

The King requested that I train to be a lady in waiting for his court, something that is considered an honour. I declined. I wasn't about to entertain the court of a senile King who cannot rule fairly. A man that puts the needs of himself before the needs of his people. That's no King of mine.

Although now, as I'm running for my life, I realise he wasn't asking. Much to my distaste, he sent a convoy of men to escort me to his lands and much to their distaste this was my fourth escape attempt.

I can feel the sharp rocks below my feet cutting through the rubber of my shoes as I get closer to the cliff. There's a persistent stinging coming from my arms that are littered with tiny cuts from hitting the ferns and the dangling vines out of the way. None of that matters though with how close my freedom is.

"No. No. No. No. No! This wasn't how it was supposed to happen." I choke out, as I hear the snarls of the rabid bloodhounds being released from their chains.

I'm so close to freedom. Close enough to see the cliff edge I'll leap from. Close enough to see the thick jungle on the other side of the ravine.

The forest around me sat undisturbed almost as if its blind to the chaos blundering through it.

I say a quick prayer in my head. I pray my mother knows I'm thankful for everything she's done for me. I pray that my little sisters do not meet the same fate as me. I pray that my father comes back safe from the seas he was forced to sail. I pray that I have the strength to leap far enough.

The hounds are close now. I can hear their pants as they rush to catch up to me. I can't outrun them.

Memories flooded my conscience. I could see the happy faces of my sisters as we played in the river. I could remember my mother and father smiling as they danced together in the kitchen. They all played out like a miniature film capturing the best moments of my life. But there wasn't enough time to see them all.

As I broke the tree line the ground changed to a flat expense of barren orange coloured rock, exposed as if it wasn't good enough to be shielded by the jungle. I knew now was the moment I had to leap into fates arms and hope they would catch me.

I leapt from the cliff edge filled with the determination that I'd make it.

I leapt filled to the brim with the hope of seeing my family again.

I leapt aiming for my freedom.

I missed.

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