Chapter Two---Secrets and Surprises

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     Katrina inhaled deeply before knocking on the Wards' front door.  Their home always smelled of peppermint.  Why, she never knew, but Katrina was certain that as long as she live,d the scent of peppermint would remind her of her best friend Charity, and the sweet Ward family.  

     Richard Ward, Charity's father, answered her knock.  "Hi, Katrina.  Come on in," the stout, middle-aged man stood away from the doorway so she could enter.  

     "Thanks."  As Katrina stepped in, the smell of peppermint was overpowered with the tantalizing aroma of bacon and pancakes.  

     "Katrina!" exclaimed Mrs. Becky Ward from the kitchen, where she flipped pancakes on the stove top.  "How sweet of you to stop in, and on the first day of summer vacation too.  You have to stay for breakfast, won't you?"  Katrina barely had time to nod before the enthusiastic Mrs. Ward beamed.  "Oh, good!  Charity!  Katrina' s here!" 

     Charity came down the hall and into the kitchen.  Her beautiful face brightened in a smile.  

     "Katrina stopped by to have breakfast with us," Mrs. Ward explained merrily.

     "Oh good.  I'm glad you came," Charity's voice was several decibels softer than her mother's.  

     "Not just for breakfast," Katrina clarified.  At Mrs. Ward's alarmed face, she hastened to add, "Oh, I'll stay for breakfast, Mrs. Ward.  It's just that.  We're going to my dad's summer missionary program."

     "That starts today, doesn't it?" Mr. Ward had sat down at the table and was reading the newspaper.

     "Yeah, the mission trip to Dawson," Kevin Ward replied as he entered the kitchen from down the hall.  "Hi Katrina." 

     "Hi, Kevin," Katrina greeted Charity's older brother.  Kevin had just graduated from high school the night before.  "Are you going to DYSM too?"

     Kevin nodded.  "I want to do it before I head off to Bible college this fall.  Kind of final farewell to Dawson for a while."

     "Doing ministry in Dawson is the best thing you can do for it," his mother agreed as she set the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table.  Everyone sat down.  Katrina' stomach gurgled, and she hoped they couldn't hear it.  Becky Ward was known as the best cook in the church.  Both she and her husband had accompanied the youth group on various trips, and she served as the cook.  

     "Let's pray," Mr. Ward said, and the family all joined hands.  Katrina was used to this.  Her own family often held hands when they blessed the food, though for them, this was usually at dinner, not breakfast.

     "Heavenly Father," Mr. Ward began in his strong but peaceful voice, "We thank You for what we are about to receive.  Nourish it to our bodies.  Let our words, thoughts and actions be acceptable in Your sight today, Lord.  It is in the name of Your Son we pray.  Amen."

     "Amen," the family echoed in unison.  

     Katrina always thought Richard Ward would be a good pastor, if only because he prayed like one.  

     The breakfast was quickly consumed amidst happy chatter.  The peppermint smell gradually began to overtake the house again.  

     "That was delicious, Mrs. Ward," Katrina said after swallowing her last bite.

     "I'm glad," the housewife was gratified.  "Are you all off now?"

     "I am," her husband smiled dryly, bending over for a farewell kiss, after which he picked up his briefcase and headed out to his job with the phone company in the county seat.  

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