You're a Memory

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Cami's POV:
[July 9th 7:30am]
*makeout scene*

Kj says his line, "Veronica, nothing your dad has done will change my love for you."

He grabs me by the waist aggressively.  I inhale quickly at his touch. 

"Archie I love you so much." I say.

Instantly our lips crash together, and as always, I am running my hand through his red hair.

His tongue inserts into my mouth and I moan ever so quietly. 

Kj definitely hears.  As we break apart he shoots me a smirk. 

I back away immediately and he gives me a confused look.

"Kj let's stay professional." I say harshly.
[July 8th 9:15pm]

The makeout scene was the most awkward scene I've had to do in a while.  All the memories of Kj and I kept flooding back into my mind, that I made it hard to focus on the fact that it was work.  It nearly felt wrong, mostly because I was with Charles now, but also because Kj had chosen someone over me.  I wasn't going to take the crap any longer.

Beyond the face that Kj was driving me insane, I felt like I was going to get my period.  Though the pain wasn't quite the same. 

*30 minutes later*

Charles was out at the store getting a few things, I told him I didn't feel well and that I would stay back home.

I knew it couldn't be my period.  It finally dawned on me to pick up the slim box I had saved for emergencies. 

While I waited for the test result I thought through what would happen if a plus sign showed up.

Charles and I were mature adults, 23 and 27, if I would happen to be pregnant I would be that bad.  We were hardly careful anymore because we knew it would always be okay.

Finally I flipped over the stick to see exactly what I'd thought.  Positive.

For some reason my heart still managed to sink even though I knew it would be okay in the end.

It was just that...

Kj would be heartbroken.

*Charles arrives home*

"Hey baby," He says and pecks me on the cheek on his way into the bedroom.

I led him over to the bed as I sat down.

"You okay? You look upset princess." He said as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Not really, well I need to tell you something." I replied.

He tossed himself onto the bed beside me, "You can tell me anything Cam."

"Listen Char, I'm pregnant." I say quietly.

"For real?" He asks as he scoots closer to me on the bed.

"Yeah.  I know we didn't exactly plan for this to happen, but I think we're ready." I say, my eyes beginning to tear up.

His mouth forms a smile, "I'm gonna be a daddy."

I laugh into his shoulder at his comment, "And I'm gonna be a mommy."

"Cami I love you a lot." He says and kisses me softly.

"Love you too babe." I reply with a grin.

A few moments pass as we interlock hands.

"Kj is going to be so angry..." Charles says at the exact moment I was thinking it.

I stare down at my stomach for a few moments.  Suddenly the tears start flowing.

"I can't-t b-believe myself.  W-why am I e-even sad for h-him? He...chose that girl over me and n-now he wants me?" I say into a jumbled up mess of tears.

"Cami..." Charles says as he pulls me into his arms. 

I sit there sobbing into his arms as I think about the other man who so desperately wants my heart.  The only thing is he was too late.

Falling for Two.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن