Chapter 2: It's Over

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Sonic grabbed Amy's hand and both hedgehogs stormed out of the room. Amy was sad about Sonic's mom not accepting their engagement. Unlike Sonic, he was furious, he just couldn't believe what her mom had to say about everything!

Sonia & Manic saw the two hedgehogs walk out the door.

Manic: Woah! Where you are guys going?

(Sonic ignores Manic, rolling his eyes)

Sonia: Come on Sonic! Don't ignore us!

Manic: Yeah! It's not our fault that mom doesn't like your engagement with Amy!

Sonic:  You guys don't understand! I love Amy so much! I can't let her go because of mom!

Amy: Relax, I know we will figure this out. It's true, its not their fault.

Sonic: (Sighs) Sorry guys, it's just so hard to not be mad at anyone.

Manic: It's alright, Sonic. Anyways,  where are you guys going?

Amy: We are going to my parents' house to tell them the news. I hope they don't get mad.

Sonia: Amy, your parents are so nice! You don't need to worry about anything!

(Sonia hugs Amy)

Amy: Thanks. I really needed a hug.

Sonia: No problem! I mean, we are sisters-in-law... well, almost...

(Both hedgehogs laughed)


Both hedgehogs entered Amy's house. Amy's dad said, "Sonic and Amy! Back from the date?" Amy's dad always puts Sonic in a good mood.

"Yeah, we are back and with some good news... I hope," Sonic exclaimed.

Amy's mom came out of the kitchen and said, "Good news? Sit down on the couch so you guys can tell us! We are very excited to hear this!"

Sonic and Amy smiled at each other. They held each other's hands and walked together to take a seat on the couch.

Amy's Mom: Okay, so what is the news?

Sonic: Well, I love Amy so much that I asked her on a date today...

Amy's Dad: I mean... you guys do love each other? That's the reason you guys hang out and are a couple? Right?

Amy: Dad, he is not my boyfriend anymore...

Amy's Mom and Dad: WHAT?! How is that good news! You guys have been dating since high-

Amy: Mom! Dad! Sonic is my fiancé!

(Amy shows her parents the engagement ring)

Sonic: Yeah, we would like both of your blessings for our marriage!

Amy's Dad: Of course Sonic my boy! You are an amazing hedgehog! What do you say, honey?

Amy's Mom: (Tears up) My beautiful Amy Rose is getting married... I accept.

Sonic: Thank you so much!

Amy: (Crys tears of joy) Yeah, thank you so much, mom and dad. I love you guys so much.

Sonic stayed in for dinner. "Amy's parents are so nice. I wish mom and dad were this nice too," Sonic thought. Sonic hugged and kissed Amy goodbye and he walked out the door. He didn't want to think about all the chaos back home, he was just happy about him marrying Amy and that her parents are excited about it. He walked home happy and proud.

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