Chapter 6

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Omg thank you so much guys for voting and fanning! It really means so much to me that people truly want to read my story. Thank u so much guys I love u!!!!!!! Hehe I like this chapter, hope u do too! ;D

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I'm at the interview with Ceaser, with Peeta sitting next to me. " have your lives been back in district 12, now that all the mess has been cleaned up?" Ceaser asks, tweetleing his thumbs. "Well, much better now that we don't have to worry about mutants chasing us around!" Peeta jokes. Caeser and the audience laugh. "Well, I don't think you will have to worry about mutants anymore." Caeser says with a devilish grin. And before our own eyes, Caeser grows 8 feet tall. His nails grow four inches and razor sharp. He begins to turn into a mutant we saw in our first Hunger Games. Caeser grabs our children and begins to raise his claws, when I wake up screaming.

"Katniss it's okay! Katniss it was just a dream." I hear Peetas voice. He wraps an arm around me and strokes my hair with the other. I choke out a few more sobs and manage to look up and face his beautiful blue eyes, full of concern. "It--" I start to say, but Peeta innterupts me. "Shhh, go to sleep." he whispers. He rocks me back and forth gently and kisses me softly. I burry my head into his chest and fall asleep.


"GET UP KIDS!" Haymitch walks in Peeta and i's bedroom and yells. I ignore him. He yanks the blankets off of me. I sit up and scowl and he laughs. "Hey, at least I didn't throw a bucket of water on you, sweetheart." he chuckles. He looks around and his smile fades. He takes a swig of alcohol.

"Where the hell is Peeta?" Haymitch asks wobbling around, clearly drunk. "In here! I'm about to get in the shower so don't come in! That means you, Haymitch." We hear Peeta call from the bathroom. "Oh. Well hurry up!" Haymitch yells. He looks at me. "You too kid." he pauses a moment, dizzy from all the liquor. "Well, i'll just be going." he coughs. He begins to wobble towards a door, and I gasp.

"Haymitch wait! That's the bathroom door!" I yell. But it's too late. Haymitch wobbles into the bathroom. "GAH! GET OUT OF HERE!!" I hear Peeta yell. "MY EYES! MY EYES!" I hear Haymitch yell as he closes he door out of the bathroom. I do my best not to burst out laughing. A few seconds later, an enraged Peeta comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"DID YOU ENJOY THE SHOW, HAYMITCH?!?" Peeta yells. "Was it as horrible for you as it was for me?" Haymitch says, with his hands still covering his eyes. Then I can't control myself. I burst out laughing. "I feel bad for both of you. Peeta, go get dressed. Haymitch...UHG. Go take a bath. You stink." I say, once again trying not to laugh and to sound as serious as possible. "Whatever you say, Blondie." Haymitch says. I roll my eyes. "Haymitch, I don't have blond hair." I say. "Oh, right. That's you." he says, waving his finger around the room until it lands on Peeta's nose. I can tell Peeta is trying to contain his laughter, and trying to sound serious too. And he's doing a really good job at it.

He slaps Haymitch's hand away in disgust and scowls. "At least my brain isn't blonde." Peeta laughs. " Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot IM the one who has crazy flashbacks that make me act like a maniac every 5 minutes." Haymitch snaps sarcastically. Peeta truly looks hurt from that comment, so I step up.

"Haymitch, go take a bath already. It smells like something crawled up your throat and died." I say. Haymitch scowls. "The Prep Team will be here soon to make your faces look decent for the pretty little cameras. So shut your traps and shower up." he snaps. "I was about to before someone walked in on me." Peeta says, walking back to the bathroom. Haymitch glares at both of us, but then leaves. I sigh and walk to Bryory's room.

I peek in, and she's talking with Theo. "Theo, you are not 7! You're 6!" I hear Bry say. Theo crosses his arms. "I am 7! I will even show you my birff certificate!" Theo says. I chuckle softly to myself. Theo's lisp is so cute. "Well, a seven year old would be able to pronounce their own name." Bry laughs. "I can pronounce it! See? Chrysanffeomum." he says, holding his chin up high. I laugh out loud.

"Mommy!" They both yell and run to hug me. "Mommy, I have decided to go by Chris instead of Feo because it sound older." Theo says. "Mom, can you PUHLEASE tell Theo that he is 6, not 7?" Bry says. I laugh even harder. "Theo, you're 5!" I tell them. "WHAT?" they both say. I continue to laugh. "HA! That means I'm 3 years older than you!" Bry says, pointing a finger in Theo's face.

"Well, 8 is boring. 5 is funner!" Theo says. Bry slaps herself in the forehead. "FUNNER isn't even a WORD, Theo." Bry says. "Well Bryory isn't even a name!" Theo snaps. "Oh, that's coming from the boy who's name is Chryisan--" "Stop it!" I interrupt them. " Your own prep team will be here soon. Please get cleaned up. I say. I kiss them both on the head and walk to Peeta and I's bedroom and sigh.

"Everything ok?" Peeta asks. I nod and he kisses me on the cheek before he pulls a shirt over his head. I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower, wishing the water would rinse all the stress away.

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