killer gc #1

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Ryan:hey loves we need to talk about last night


Marcel:we almost got caught and Jonathan,Lucas wtf happened on your side¡¿

Jonathan:it was a surprise attack on our side what about you and Ryan??

Ryan:cops,Marcel got shot trying to save me from it they didn't see our faces nor could they save those people

Jonathan:at least something went right yesterday

Marcel:did they see your twos faces¿?

Lucas:no,got out to fast for them 2

Ryan:how did you get away¿¿

Jonathan:jumped out a window


Jonathan:no we didn't we broke the door and ran we aren't that stupid to jump out of the window on the 4th floor


Lucas:more like 22 times

Ryan:i,,,,,,I want a divorce

Jonathan:what nooooo we love you Ryan please no we won't keep living without you seriously¡¡

Marcel:can I come with¿?


Lucas:No you guys Jonathan and I would get caught so fast without you two

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