someone likes spamming you

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    (Nightmare P.O.V.)

      It's been weeks since me and Halluciv "moved in" as Cross calls it. Someone has been spamming Cross with text messages, most likely to date her or rape her. And if that's the case I'm going to kill them slowly and painfully and Cross knows that because I told her I was going to do that. I love her, that I'll myself at lest. I keep seeing this guy following Cross all the damn time. He's my guess that he's the one spamming Cross. The text got so weird that Cross blocked his number, then he started texting Xcellence trying to get him to have Cross unblock his number, causing him to block the creeps number. I already told Xcellence about the guy following Cross and even he agrees that it's a high possibility of him being the creep. Xcellence had made a rule that, just for safety measures, that Cross nor Halluciv can't go out of the house without me or him because of the creep. Neither Cross or Halluciv was happy about that, but they follow the rule.

        (Cross' P.O.V.)

     I normally don't mind Nightmare following me around, at least I know him but I can't relax with the thought of a creep following me and/or Halluciv around. Nightmare looks like he's ready to kill the creep but doesn't, probably not to make a scene. I'll ask about that later. Right now I was cuddling with Nightmare because he's comfy and I may like him more than a friend. Nightmare sighs, noticing me not relaxing. He shift to where I'm laying on top him. I lay my head on his chest, getting comfortable. Nightmare puts his hands around my waist and summon his tentacles and wrap them around me, hidding me from everyone's view but his. I look at him with a smile and boop him where his nose would be, giggling a little. His face lights up in a lavender blush, mine was a light purple blush. I start relaxing and slowly fall asleep knowing Nightmare will protect me no matter what.

      (Xcellence P.O.V.)

    I walked into the living room with Halluciv to get snacks for a movie we was getting ready to watch. We was then gretted by Nightmare and Cross cuddling on the couch. They were both asleep. Nightmare has his tentacles and arms wrapped around Cross in a protective manner. Cross, from what I could see, was relax and sleeping peacefully. I ship it. I left them be and went to grab the snacks. When I came back I see Halluciv take a picture of them with my phone. I need to get her and Nightmare a phone.

     (Halluciv P.O.V.)

     Celley walked into the kitchen to get the snacks. I grab his phone and take a picture of Cross and Night. He comes back and I turn to look at him with a innocent face. He snickered a little and motion for me to follow him up to his room. We haven't seen the creep anymore, but I don't like the feeling I'm getting.
  (Time skip to after their movie)

   I did tell Celley about the feeling. He had set up cameras in and around the house when they moved in. So we decided to take a look at the cameras. In the living room camera we could see Cross and Nightmare still cuddling but they are awake now.

     "I want cuddles, they look nice." I said to Celley. He blush a little and pulled me into his lap and we start to cuddle.

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