Chapter Six

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Lost inside you

chapter six

Violet's mum made her promise come true,when Violet entered her room,she found so many new posters of Justin,that was her mother's surprise,Violet was really happy,she took all the posters to put them on the wall

after finishing that,she sat down to have some rest and listened to a song that had always been her favourite,

It feels like we've been out at sea

So back and forth that's how it's seems

Whoa and when I want to talk

You say to me

That if it's meant to be, it will be

So crazy in this thing we call love

The love that we got that we just can't give up

I'm reaching out for you tell me

Out here in the water and I

I'm overboard and I need your love

Pull me up

I can't swim on my own

It's to much

Feels like I'm drowning without your love

So throw yourself out to me

My life saver

it was "overboard" by Justin and Miley Cyrus

"Violet rememberd when that song first came last year,in 2010,it was a huge surprise for the two fandoms,Beliebers and Smilers,a song that gathered two of the best young singers,that young beautiful crazy girl,Miley,lovely Hannah Montana,she had a special place in every Beliebers heart,that relationship between Beliebers and Smilers,Justin and Miley,had always been amazing,and that was the beginning of a new friendship between Violet and some new girls in school who shared the same interests with her"

"next day,the school made a trip for the students to a very amazing island in the sea,enjoying the fresh air and summer time,one of the teachers presented the new three girls at school,Tessa,Sarah and Sally in the school bus,on their way to the island"

Teacher:may I have your attention please,I wanna present these new girls at our school,Sarah,Tessa and Sally,please welcome them,have a nice time in our trip and,enjoy..."

"as always,Lucy and the bad girls made fun of the new girls which made them a little bit angry,the best advantage in these girls that they don't care,they entered the bus and sat on the chairs next to each other..."

"Violet noticed that they wore a golden necklaces that has "Smiler" written on it,she became happy that she would finally have a group of friends who share the same interests with her,who like the same artists and listen to the same songs,that was and still a fact that Beliebers and Smilers are always friends"

Emma:hey Violet,do you see these new girls ? they look nice!

Violet:yeah,have you noticed there necklaces ?

they're smilers!

Emma:really ? let me have a look!

"Emma looked behind her to make sure"

"the girls noticed"

Violet:hey Emma,sit down,they saw you!

now they know that we're talking about them!

Emma:that's normal!

every new girl must be talked about for some time till she be old at school!

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