Interview Incident

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Pete and Patrick where in the middle of an interview when a sudden dilemma surfaced.

Pete had noticed Patrick squirming throughout the entire interview, but the man just played it cool, trying not to let his bladder problem manifest.

Patrick had been rushed into the whole ordeal, already feeling the small need to go. Patrick didn't think much of it until the feeling grew and caused some obvious discomfort. With a flustered face, he just crossed his legs and squeezed his thighs together.

His position changed quite a bit before he found one that wasn't making the situation worse. Pete of course, watched the whole thing. Eyeing Patrick every time he spoke or twitched.

It took a while for Pete to register what was happening with Patrick, but it was when his face quickly grew red and he changed position is when it clicked with Pete.

Patrick had to go.

Pete smirked slightly, seeing his friend all flustered and desperate.

Most people would describe the boys' relationship as a friends-with-benefits ordeal, but to Pete, it was just normal for them. The moment he met Patrick when he was just 17 made a feeling skyrocket inside of him. He knew what he felt for Patrick was more than a normal friendship.

Hell he didn't even feel that way towards his significant others, not that he's had many. Of course he had the drunk hookups but nothing ever gave him the same high that Patrick did.

Every time Patrick touched him in the slightest, it sent a numb-high feeling through his body.

While Pete would love to have all of Patrick for himself, he couldn't force Patrick to feel the same.

Pete knew that the man trusted him and didn't want to create any uncertainty in Patrick's faith in him.

Pete glanced back at the boy, who had been answering a good portion of their questions. It almost made Pete feel bad. Almost.

Pete answered nearly all of the questions after that, which Patrick was silently thankful for.

The interview only had a few questions longer when Patrick felt the smallest of leaks. Barely enough to cause a wet spot in his boxers.

His back stiffened and his thighs tightened their grip. He could feel his face changed a rose pink color and he couldn't help but let out a small groan, which he assumed no one heard when he got no reaction.

Pete was in mid sentence when he noticed Patrick squirm and then jolt up, causing him to ramble the rest of the sentence.

The sound of Patrick groaning was a noise that Pete loved to hear. It was usually in sexual frustration but this time it sounded desperate, and Pete knew exactly why.

The interview went on with a few more questions for the both of them until the interviewer thanked them for coming and the filming stopped.

Both men stood up once it seemed to be done, but Patrick was the only one who flinched in mid stand.
Pete quickly noticed and walked over to Patrick, putting a hand on his lower back while escorting him off stage.

Once they got into more of an isolated part backstage Pete slightly pushed Patrick up against the wall.

"'Trick what's wrong? I know something's bothering you." Pete was concerned for his friend but didn't know how Patrick would react to what he was thinking of doing.

Patrick's face felt red and flustered as his hands travelled downwards, grabbing onto the side of his pants. He was almost too embarrassed to admit it, but the two never kept any secrets like this unsaid.
"I just -uh- really n-need to go." He didn't look Pete in the eyes but he still noticed the small smirk on his lips.

Interview Incident /// PeterickNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ