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Andy's POV

I run back to Nandos with tears extremely roll down my cheek.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Mikey asks as he stood up and went to me.

"R-rye he ll-left," I say.
"What? What do you mean?"

I hug Mikey and let my tears rolling down his shoulder.

He rubs my hair. 

"Let's get back home, I know he'll be there," Harv says.  

I nod, but I'm pretty sure Rye won't be home. 

I pull away from the hug and walk out from Nandos. 

I grab my phone and call Rye. He didn't answer it. 

"An, don't worry about him, he'll be okay," Blair says as he comforts me. 

I sigh. Maybe they are right. I have to trust Rye. 

"Yeah, everything we'll be okay," Jack says. "We are here, we'll help you find them," Brook says.

"Awwe guys, thanks."

I turn my face and hug them. "Group Hug." Loren giggles.


* a few hours later*

We are in the car. Blair is driving us back home. 

I was worrying a lot about Rye. I keep holding the nap that he gave. 

I'm scared something gonna happened to him. 

"An, he'll be okay," Chloe says. I nod slowly. 

I know Chloe was staring at me. That girl. I don't know what she's tryna do with Rye and me. 

I sigh heavily and stare out of the window. 

"Here we are," Harv says as we arrive at the flat. 

I get off from the car and rush to Harv and Rye's bedroom. 

There is no one here. I run to the kitchen no one here. "RYE?!" I shout. 

"Hey man, come," Harv says. I come to him. He was holding a paper. 

"I guess Rye left this," he says as he gives me the paper. I look around and Rye's bed is so messy. I'm pretty sure he was here for some minutes. 

"Oi, what's in your hand?" Brook says as he comes to me. 

"A letter may be from Rye," I answer. "Read it then," he says. 

"Hm, alright." I nod. 

"Hey, Harv or maybe Andy or everyone reading this. I left for maybe 3 days. Don't worry about me, I'll be back if I get better. I don't want to hurt you all, so I left. I got so mean. I know. I am under control. I'll be fine if I can breathe. Lots of love, Ryan."

I look at them. They were all shock. Especially Blair. 

"We should find him," Blair says worriedly. I froze. I can't say a word. 

My feel is mixing up. Sad, worried, shock and disappoint. I should treat him right. I have time for changing him but I'm too scared. I shouldn't let him go. 

"Yeah, let's find him now," I say. "It is 11 am," Chloe says. 

"And? I don't care if you guys want to go then follow me if you don't you stay here and I'll go by my self," I say as I'm getting mad at Chloe. 

"I'll go," Mikey says. "Me too," Brook and Jack say at the same time. "Of course I'll go," Blair says. "Me too," Harv says. 

"Loren and Chloe stay here, k?" Blair says. "Alright," Loren says as she walks into my room. 

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