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So last night was legit! We had so much fun it was awesome that's the first time I actually had so much fun in a long time

"Sky.. Sky " A voice calls as I flicker my eyes open to see Antwan over me

"What the-"

"Shhhh! " he said putting his finger against his lips

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up reaching for my phone

"Are you crazy it's 3 in the morning!! " I exclaimed with my hands in the air

"Just get dressed ok" he says curtly leaning on the door frame

"You bi-"

"Just put on something warm " he says again

"Can't I just wear this?" I retorted gesturing to my sweatpants pants and hoodie

"Perfect! " he says pulling me outside and literally dragging me down stairs and out the door it was barely morning

"Where are we going? " I ask as I saw Shane, Keith, Kent and the rest of the boys

"Just shut up and come on"  he says jogging ahead as I just simply walked behind them but when I realized they were going too fast I tried to catch up but as far as I was all these weights just came down

"Guys! Wait.... I- I am fat... I can't run" I breathed after they stopped and started laughing

"Someone's unhealthy " they laughed

"Am not! " I retorted sticking out my tongue at them as we reached the sea

"Really.... Really guys?  The sea in oh let me see 3 in the morning " I said with much sarcasm as they just shrugged it off and started jogging around the perimeter as I just sat in the sand

What I'm fat and tired

As I watched the guys I felt something on my shoulder I turned around to see a half naked Antwan smirking at me

"Startled?" he grins as I stood up to face him

"Naah I wa-"

"Follow me " he says taking my hand in his as he leads me through the bushes to a little cabin it was beautiful

"May I?" he asks gesturing to the door

"Yes you may " I said walking before him as he opens the door the inside looked warm and cozy with a sofa, bed, bathroom and kitchen it's comfy

"What are we doi-" I had no chance finishing my sentence when Antwan grabs my hand pulling me to his chest as he runs his finger down my lips at this my feet were wobbling at how close we were as his mouth inched closer to mine I can't help but bite my lip as he smiled at how affected I was his lips collided with mine as our heads move sync I couldn't stop myself from grabbing his hair which made him groan in my mouth as he runs his hands over my body squeezing me lightly before moving his hands to my butt

"Wait! " I said breathless pulling away

"What he said " equally breathless

"What am I doing " I said wiping my mouth

"Wait... Am sorry do you want this?" he asked walking over to me as my breath hitches as he cups my face

"I mean yeah... Maybe but in a cabin?  I wasn't really thinking that I'd loose my Virginity in some cabin" I stated looking fazed as he just smiles at me

"It's OK.. I understand don't wanna feel cheap or like some trash but you're not" he says smiling as I nod like a puppy in a trance

"When we get back can we... Can we huh.. "

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