11th March 2014

236 17 12

Dear Jerome,

You knew the feeling of being depressed and then cutting, you understand why people do it. When you are alone with your dark depressing thoughts at midnight, its what you turn to. It creates feeling when you thought you had none. Think of it this way: would you rather have to deal with being bullied or a little cut? Mental pain or physical pain? Cutting basically is letting all the pain flow out with the blood. I'm not much more sure of a better way to explain it. Its just such a bitter sweet sting that you don't mind because it made you feel better. It makes you feel blissful. Its so addictive. It's so peaceful. I can imagine what I would have done if I had found out that you were cutting. You would be crying and tell me 'its not your fault' when, obviously, was. I wasn't that good of a friend.

When The Paramedics told me that you were dead, I took it as a joke. I said to Adam, He hiding ready to jump out. After a minute, I realised that it was true.. The Pain In My Heart Never Lefted and Never Leave. Any Love song, I break down crying thinking that somehow, somewhere some one else was going through the same pain as me.

That's where the Trevor Project come in. The Trevor Project helps people with these thoughts. From a simple phone call to say 'I love You' to actually giving help to those in need. I wish you would have told me sooner but I knew that you couldn't. I respect you and you're my shooting star that I wish upon every night. Every Single Night.

I love you so Much, My Shooting Star...

-Mitch <33

(A/N- That's what I am going to call you guys now!)

Dear Jerome-Merome FanFic (First Book In Dear Jerome Series)Where stories live. Discover now