Chapter 23

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I woke up in Jaymis arms and somehow we had moved from lounge to Jaymis room. I guessed he had carried me in here. Somehow my phone was there so I reached over for it. I had 10 missed calls and 5 texts. One was of Josh.

From Josh

I love you baby girl. I had to go to the studio but I will be back later with food ;)xxxxx

I thought to myself that he was cute. He knew me so well. I turned over and saw Jaymi wife awake.

'Morning sis!' He practically yelled at me.

'Jaymi. Why so loud?' I asked.

'I'm not. Do you want breakfast?' He asked me.

'Yeah. Strawberries, apples and grapes please.' I said giving him puppy dog eyes.

'Of course princess.' He said walking out.

I quickly got out my phone and saw two messages of Joey.

From Joey

Hope your okay babe xxxx

When do I get some time with you cxxx

After the last couple of days I decided I didn't want a double life I decided to text Joey.

To Joey

Heyy. I don't think it's working out between us. We can still hang out but not romantically. You boys are amazing and we could all hang out soon. You will be forever in my heart :) x

I left my phone on the side and walked into the kitchen (it had been fixed since the fire).

'Wheres my food bro?' I said.

'Go sit on the island and I will bring it over.' He said. I obeyed and sat down He brought it over and we tucked in.

'So what you doing today?' I asked my big brother.

'I'm due at the studio after Josh, so you could spend the day with him.' Jaymi told me.

'I might do that. It looks like a nice day so maybe a day out in the park.' I suggested.

'I have to be there for one so I guess he finishes around then. You could come down with me if you want.' Jaymi said.

'Is that okay?' I asked.

'Sure is little sis.' Jaymi said. 'I wanna dress you though. Text Josh and say you are meeting him at the studio at one and I'm dropping you off.'

'Okay let me finish this and I will.' I said, before taking my last mouth full and jumping down from my seat. I went to my phone and saw a message from Joey.

From Joey

I understand alright. See you soon :)x

I decided to leave it and text Josh.

To Josh

Babe I will see you at one at the studio. Picnic in the park or something;)xxxxxx

I left it and went to the bathroom and had a shower. I stepped out and walked into Jaymis room.

'Help me pick my outfit please.' I asked.

'Course. Come on. I wanna go for a sexy look but not slutty look if you get me.' He said whilst we went toy room. He looked through my wardrobe before gasping and pulling out the perfect outfit. It was a floral high waisted skirt and a white fitted crop top.

'Oh my god Jay that perf!' I said, grabbing it off him and getting changed.

'I'm thinking your floral converse, wavy beach like waves and natural make up.' He said.

'Perfect. Can you do it?' I asked, knowing that Olly had taught him how to do the waves.

'Of course. Not the make up though. Sit down.' He instructed.

'Yeah I can do that.' I said. I sat down and Jaymi plugged the curlers in. It took 30 mins but it looked perfect. 'Jaymi it's great!' I said, hugging him before grabbing my make up bag.

'Your welcome. You have 30 mins before we leave!' Jaymi shouted.

'Okay. I think I can do it.' I said, before sitting down and starting on my foundation. I put that on then conclear, powder. I finally put on mascara to keep the look simple.

'Ready to go?' Jaymi asked as I was putting my shoes on. 'Wow. Josh is going to be blown away.'

'I'm ready. Come on.' I grabbed my phone and purse before getting into Jaymis car. We rode in a comfortable silence. When we got there we stepped out and saw Josh waiting for us. He ran over and scooped me up in a hug.

'Wow babe you look amazing!' Josh said.

'You don't look so bad yourself.' I said sarcastically.

'Oi. So where we going?' He asked me before kissing me.

'Nandos in the park.' I suggested

'Perfect idea!' Josh said before we walked hand in hand to his car.


Sorry for lack of updates

This is the best I could think of

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You can find me on twitter: @Josh_Marry_Me or @BlamingCuthbert

Instagram: jenniferjcat

Snapchat: jennifer19980

Kik: jennie_98

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Love ya all :*

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