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I ran some errands and had some me time - which obviously included shopping. As I drove back home, my mind lingered on Ace's words. Did he really change? I can't help but think about him. My mind screamed for him. Ahh. I unlocked the front door and noticed mom was having a party. What the fuck! She was dressed like Audrey Hepburn and it definitely didn't suit her. She must have had at least 6 guys in the house with lots of pizza, music and dancing that scarred my pupils. I gave mom a disgusted glare and left the house - again.

''Honey...'' Moms voice faded, upon my exit.

I checked my watch and it was currently 6pm. My mind danced in fury and isolation. Why can't she be a normal mother. It's all I ever wanted. Just some fucking love and care. BUT, NO. What do I get? NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No love. No acknowledgement. I don't even have a mother. I'm all alone in this world - an orphan... I sat in my car and smashed my steering wheel in rage. Cries, tears, ache. I continued to sob until it became intolerable. It was time to change these emotions! I speed drove to the nearest pub and rushed inside.

''I'll have a dozen shots.'' I demand the bartender.

''Rough night?'' He asks.

''I don't want to fucking talk about it. Just give me the shots!'' I reply harshly.

''Jheez!'' He retorts.

My shots are placed before me and I begin gulping them down as if it were water. My mouth burns as the chemicals brush past my throat but I go on. My head is losing its function as I become more and more intoxicated by each shot. I am lost... I feel someone grip my arm and pull me to the side. I begin drunk laughing as I try to escape his captivity.

''Holy Fuck! Lacy, you're a tip!''

''I'm holy?'' I bow in laughter.

I lost count of how many pints and shots I had - I may have exceeded the legal limit or something. But, I gave 0 fucks. I needed to clear my mind and release the bullshit of a life I lived.

''Your leaving with me, NOW.'' He ordered.

I begin to whine and moan as if I was two years old and just as we leave, I fall. I cry. I smash the nearest thing to me. I hold my head in agony. I sob. He brings my shoulders up and carries me in his arms. His warm hands hold my icy body and I melt in affection. Although I am half unconscious, my eyes remain fastened to his emerald gems. I savour his touch and I don't want him to let go.

''Why are you doing this to yourself?'' He asks harshly.

''Life. Mothers. Shit. EVERYTHING.''

''Shh, I'm here.'' He wipes my tears with his other hand.

''Thank you.'' I whisper.

He takes me to his car and locks me in the passenger's seat.

''Where are you taking me?'' I weep.


''NO! I don't want to go home!'' I struggle to undo my seatbelt and leave the car.

Ace brings his hand and places it over my stomach. It's the same secure and protective touch as before. I obey and sit tight...

''Ok, I won't take you home.'' He reassures me.


Ace [P.O.V]

I've never met anyone so wild or careless before. She's fucking mental! I may as well be her bodyguard at this rate. I pick her up and take her inside - to my room. She remains asleep. I place her on my bed and make her some strong coffee to detox her insides.

''Lacy! Wake up!'' I shuffle her slightly.

Stillness. She doesn't move a limb.

''Lacy!'' I shake her a little harder this time.

Thank god! She exhales and her eyes begin to open. I sit and watch her wake. She lets out a moan and crushes her head forcefully. She's drunk, great.

''Ace?'' She mumbles.

''I'm here. Get up, I made you some strong ass coffee to ease the pain.'' I talk to her.

''Ugh.'' She sighs.

I help her sit upright and pass her the coffee. She takes a sip and frowns. She's so adorable when she does that. I smile subtly.

''The bathroom is over there if you want to freshen up. Here, take one of my shirts.'' I offer.

She takes my shirt and heads to the bathroom. My mind drifts in another hole. I promised Alayna I'd text her. What do I do? I'll text her and say I'll talk later or something.

Me- Hey, can I talk to you tomorrow. I'm a little busy tonight.

Lacy leaves the bathroom and the sight of my shirt, on her body, is mesmerising. I shouldn't be feeling like this. Fuck.


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