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(Lil note : hey this is like.. the first time I make something that is actually make my life more useful.. (I guess :v) anyway enjoy!)


Once upon a time... there were two sweet princesses. The eldest one somehow had a power to control rushing water into lots of shapes and patterns. But the younger one was jealous of her own sister because everyone was paying attention to her sister not her. So she searched books about ancient powers at every library in that kingdom.

One day, she finally found the book of ancient powers and secrets about the Wishing Kingdom. She read the book and she found one interesting page about two crystal gems inside the rarest cave called "Teleportal Cave". That cave could be anywhere. Every day, it moves to different places. The princess was lucky, she found that cave on a giant boulder. She went into that dark cave. She can only saw two glowing crystals. The first crystal glow very bright but the other one was not bright. She forgot which one she should touch so she could gain power, so she touched the bright one. When she touched it, everything went white and suddenly she woke up in front of the boulder. The strange thing is the cave disappeared and she got an infinity mark on her chest.


People say.. there are no magic in the world. But they didn't know that there ARE magic in the world, but they just didn't realized it yet. Somewhere in this world.. there are some people who had magic and they are hiding so they wouldn't get captured by vulmus.

Vulmus is the most horrible and evil creature in this world. But the leader of vulmus is even worse than them. He is obsessed with powers, and he want to have all of the powers that exists in this world. But if he have the powers, that means the world is in danger.

That is why we, the alphabets are hiding from vulmus because we have power that anyone can't have. And also, the vulmus could identify us because we have marks. The mark means a, i, u, e, and o but it's more look like symbols.

Now, I will tell you a story about these people who had been hiding from vulmus.

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