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Casey stared at her laptop screen as the credits rolled. There was a giddy feeling in her chest, that was probably thanks to the stunning performance she had just finished.

Spies Are Forever.

A musical created by the Tin Can Brothers. It was amazing. The songs were beautiful, the set very intelligent, and the casting spot on. And those vocals....

Casey finally closed her laptop and lay back on her bed. This was why she loved musical theater. The raw talent and emotion was like nectar to her. She lived for it. She was never one for actually acting in musicals, but only because she felt like she sounded like a dying whale when she sang.

Suddenly, a voice called her from downstairs.

"Casey, honey, it's time for dinner!"

"Coming!" she yelled back, then got up off her bed. She carefully placed her computer next to a sleeping Taz (her new kitten) and rushed downstairs.

All throughout dinner, her mind was on the ending of the musical. By only having killed Owen, Curt had left the rest of the organization still free and operating. Tatiana had also reported destroying the surveillance network, but who was there to ensure the original organization didn't create another one. And Curt said he was going to go after them....

Casey sighed. The whole thing was just so......unfinished.

"Are you okay honey?" Her mother stared her, concerned.

Casey nodded, and her mothers attention was diverted.

Then she had an idea.

"Mom, can I be excused please?" she asked, trying her best not to look too excited, "I've got loads of homework"

"Sure, honey!" her mother replied.

Casey jumped up and raced back up the stairs to her room. Closing the door carefully, she sat down at her desk and opened her laptop.

Casey plugged her headphones into the headphone jack on the side of the computer. Thinking quickly, she opened Spotify and selected her favorite Starkid playlist: the Space Tour album.

Then, she pulled up a new tab and opened a blank document. She set a timer on her phone, and began to type.


The next morning, Casey's alarm woke her at six am. Deciding she was too tired to get up, she ignored it. Last night, she'd also ignored her alarm, and had stayed up until two am to write. Going to school on only four hours of sleep was not ideal. However, her parents didn't know she'd been up that late.

"Get up Casey!" yelled her father from downstairs, "You're gong to be late for school!"

Groaning, Casey dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, Casey could she she looked horrible. Her hair was as messy as it had been that time she'd been forced to stay up until 6 am for a livestream, and there were dark circles under her eyes. However, she felt amazing. The words had just poured out of her, and she'd written about fifty pages. But it wasn't enough! The drama was just getting started.

Somehow, Casey made it to school on time, but instantly fell asleep in first period. By lunch, Casey was brain dead. She was usually brain dead every day at school, but it had never been so bad. She could barely function.

As she sat down in her usual secluded spot in the theater hallway with her lunch, she felt like taking another nap. Then, a pair of footsteps appeared in her blurry line of vision. Sam sat down next to her and offered her a steaming foam cup of coffee.

Casey grabbed it and gulped it down. Sam laughed.

"Where'd you get this?" asked Casey, her brain starting to work again.

"I have my ways." replied Sam.

Deciding she didn't really care, Casey opened Instagram on her phone. Ten notifications blinked up at her. Casey went through the routine of answering them. She didn't have a choice. the notification symbol would bother her until she did. Moving on to Twitter, Casey was looking at a cute picture of Diane when Sam asked;

"Why were you up so late?"

"It's a secret" Casey replied.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Because it's going to be amazing!" said Casey.


"I said it's going to be. It's not there yet." said Casey.

Sam looked like he was going to argue, but then two people walked by them.

"Twilight is so much better than Harry Potter! It has such better morals for the readers!"

Sam looked indignant. He glanced at Casey.

Without looking up, Casey said;

"Go kick his ass."


Thanks for reading!

And thanks to @LieutenantTaz!!!!!! She is so amazing!!! Thanks so much!! It would not be published without you!!

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