Chapter 1: the story begins

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There are many realms realms with magic those with no magic then there are different versions of these realms: an enchanted forest where everyone is French a version of oz where everyone is green a version of wonderland where Alice is the queen of hearts they all exist in groups tethered to a world like ours a world with out magic.

          In our version the story starts in the Enchanted Forest. "Magic mirror... on the wall... show me my step daughter crying on the floor." Regina proudly announces with satisfaction. As her order is spoken the black mirror with its thorns as dark as midnight that are twisted and intertwined with each other shimmered till an image was projected on its glittering surface. It showed a girl with hair as dark as the night and skin as pale as snow which contrasted with her lips which were as red as a newly picked rose, her name was Snow White. Our story begins here at her fathers funeral. Regina with now Queen but let's skip ahead a couple of years In the distant realm of Oz the shallow shriek of a man can be heard through the thick forest. However that scream is cut short from the sound of a heart being plucked from a chest of steel. "Sorry tin man but I don't need you anymore... and let's hope this will serve as a reminder to anyone else. no one messes with the wicked witch!" And with the swish of her hand a broom appeared in her hand as she flew to her castle In the middle of the emerald city. As she landed she marched in to her throne room and was greeted by the most peculiar person. He was dressed in black with a blood red tie and hair spiked straight up and had worst complexion than the sea goddess Ursula. "And who in the hell are you." The wicked witch yelled the man turned as his eyes burnt a bright blue "my dear you have no Idea how ironic that is my name is hades and my dear I am here to make all your dreams come true."

Phoenix mystery:
Tales of the enchanted forest 

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