Chapter 4

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"Can you at least tell me why you're so hell-bent on getting yourself killed?" I wheezed as I ran to catch up with Martha halfway down the block.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to get myself or you or anyone killed," she retorted. "And I'm going because I have to. It may be the only chance I get to find a real wizard who can teach me how to use my magic. Or at least tell me where to find someone who can."

"A teacher? You want this Quinn guy to be your teacher?" I asked astounded.

"This may come as a shock but there aren't exactly real schools for witches." Martha snapped. 

She sighed and stopped to turn and look at me. "I'm sorry. It's just... I have friends who do readings and conjure small spells and stuff, but none of them can do what I can do," she said in frustration.

"I've spent almost my entire life trying to figure this stuff out on my own... You're honestly the first person I've ever met who's actually seen a real demon... You and this Quinn guy.

"And I know it might seem crazy, but he obviously knows a lot about demons and magic and I can't... I can't just let this chance slip through my fingers. Not if he might be able to help me," she said looking up into my eyes.

In truth, I didn't understand any of it, but at that moment it struck me why I liked Martha so much. I always thought of her as being this quirky yet lovable social butterfly, but the truth was she felt alone. Just like me.

I breathed deeply out of my nose. "I-I'll come with you, but I still think this is a terrible idea," I said fighting the desperate urge to turn around and run back up to my apartment.

"Noted," she said with a smile. Then she lunged forward and wrapped me in a hug. I stood frozen with my arms pinned to my sides unsure what to do as she said, "I'm glad you came. You're pretty kick ass, you know?"

My cheeks flushed. As annoyed and totally freaked out as I was, I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Maybe Martha really was magical.

~ ~ ~

The thudding of the music from the Blue Diamond grew louder as we turned the block onto 3rd and my heart immediately dropped to my toes.

We'd made it here way faster than I'd anticipated.

For nearly 1 a.m., there were still plenty of people floating around outside. Enjoying their Saturday night, totally unaware that a demon had tried to kill someone only steps from where they all stood.

That someone being me.

Martha crossed the street and stopped in front of the alley. There weren't any cops hovering around a crime scene or the sound of voices freaking out over a mauled body.

Everything just seemed normal. Quiet.

"This is it right?" she said looking around as if she was trying to piece together the geography of where the alley would be in respects to the club.

A familiar scent of trash wafted through the chilly air and an involuntary wave of panicked nausea washed over me as my breaths grew more shallow. 

"What if he's still there?" I asked with a quiver in my voice. 

"He won't be," Martha insisted again taking my hand and staring deep into the darkness. "My guess is they're both long gone by now."

"If you think they're both gone then what exactly are you planning to do?" I asked confused. 

"I have a tracking spell I can try, but I need to find something of theirs for it to work first," she said biting her lower lip. Martha had been a total rock up to this point but even her nervousness was starting to show... Making me even more paranoid.

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