Oh Crap

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Anthony's POV

''......I'm gay.'' I looked at him for a few seconds until I shocked into reality of what he said. ''..oh..'' Is all I could get out and his face went completly red. Really is that all I could say? Oh!?! My bestfriend just opened up to me a secret..a secret probably very important to him. well..say something idiot! ''That's great, dude.'' I smiled. He still is staring at me in a blank but slightly scared expression ''Your the first person I've told..sorry if I made it weird between us.'' he finally choked out. ''Ian, it's fine. It won't be weird, your the same Ian...just into dicks now.'' we both laughed ''Thank you Anthony...it really means alot.'' He smiled, I jumped up ''Well...I say we go out to eat! I haven't eaten breakfest or lunch!'' he jumped up after me ''Wanna film a lunchtime?'' He asked me ''Hell yeah!'' 

~Hour later~

Ian's POV

''Bitch!'' I yelled into the camera ''I'll edit this time.'' Anthony said as soon as I turned off the camera. ''Okay, then I'll clean up.'' He got up, took the camera and went to his room. He was being alot more supportive about it then I thought he would've. Well, he is my bestfriend and he should support me through anything. He really was a little too calm about it..I don't wanna think about it too hard but I expected some kind of gay joke. But nothing, I think he probably felt awkward. I don't blame him, it would take a while to get used to. I was in space for a couple minutes when I realized. Melanie! I haven't told Melanie yet, we were still dating. I honestly didn't want to break up with her, the last thing I wanted to do was break her heart. I sighed, well I can't stay with her...when I'm not happy and I can't break up with her over the phone, like I said I don't want to break her heart. She means alot to me. I have to wait until she comes visit me. Ugh I feel like such a dick! I finally finished cleaning up what was left of our food. I decided to see how the editing was going, I walked to Anthony's room, his door was open so I just invited myself in ''How's the editing going'' I asked and sat at the other desk chair. ''Pretty much..almost done.'' He kept adding sound effects and our intro. ''So when are you going to tell..you know..our fans'' He finally said ''why do I need to tell them?'' I reply, ''because there like family they should know'' He turnes around to face me ''I haven't even told Melanie, yet.'' I look down. ''dude, you need to calm-'' I did the worst possible thing I could've EVER done. I kissed him. He didn't kiss back. these few seconds all I was hoping is that this was all in a fantasy. wake up! Come on wake up! but no..I didn't wake up because it was actually happening. I pulled away, I could tell how shocked he was he just sat there. Not blinking, moving, he was a statue. The awkwardness in the room was overwhelming, until I got up slammed the door shut and left. I completly left the house. ''Fuck! FUCK!'' I yelled outloud ''Why are you doing this to me?! Fuck! I've lost my bestfriend now, for fucking sure!'' I continued to yell at myself not caring that people started looking at me. 

Anthony's POV

I sat there. I did nothing. What was a suppose to do..? Probably something smarter, but no I sat there and let Ian run away. I had  to be the worst friend in history. I still was unable to move, like I was a fucking statue. I finally regained my movement back and all I could do was put my face in my hands. What would happen after today? I honestly had no idea what to think. I didn't kiss back, and that's probably what got him. I couldn't think straight. Infact right after he kissed me, I'm now questioning If I was straight. I never looked at another man in any romantic way. But there was a certain way I looked at Ian. I thought it was just because he was my bestfriend, but now I'm thinking if it was more. I was now letting my mind go crazy. I was so scared, and confused I felt like a really confused freshman questioning their sexuality. I know Ian..and If I know him well enough he will come back. I really hate myself at this moment though. I was obviously in love, but not with Ian. with Kalel. As much as I want to be in love with Ian, my heart belonged to Kalel. Why me?! Why does this have to happen to me? I have no idea what to say to Ian. I wish..I wish more than anything that I could be with the one I love. But was It Kalel or Ian?

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