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*Phoenix POV*
I fell to the ground from being hit by my Dad trying to help my Mom. Dad had knelt down to my level and started to punch, slap and spit on my face and my mom had ran to her room and locked the door never thinking of to help me.

"That will teach you to try to save your mother thinking your a hero you bitch now get the fuck out my face hoe!" Then I ran to my room and locked the door, then looked in the mirror to see that my Dad gave me a black eye, bruises and cuts on my face.

I got in bed and cried myself to sleep that night.

*JaeHyun POV*

I was at home sitting in the living room on the couch watching a basketball game. Then thought to call Phoenix but she didn't answer the phone, she must have already went to sleep so I didn't worry about it*I'll just drop by her apartment complex tomorrow morning*.

Then Taeyong came into the living room looking tired AF.

"Hey are you going to sleep yet because i can't sleep with you having the TV on plus it's loud and plus it's like fucking 1:18AM in the morning so please go to sleep." Taeyong said in a sleepy ass voice.

"Ok, but you could have just asked me without cursing at me Taeyong." I told him.

"Well I felt like cursing at you so Stfu and go to bed cause we all don't get what we want in life so boo-who." Taeyong said sarcastically.

"Whatever hoe." I said getting annoyed.
"Right back to you Jaehyun." Taeyong told him turning around walking away sticking his middle finger out in the air.

"Petty ass bitch." I said 
"I heard that bitch,GN" Taeyong said
"GOODN¡GHT!" I yelled

Then Mark hit the wall in his room.
"STFU THE BOTH OF YOU ,DAMN  I CAN'T GET NO FUCKING SLEEP IN THIS HOUSE." Mark yelled from his room at Jaehyun and Taeyong.

"SORRY" Me and Taeyong said at same time.
"Thank you" Mark yelled out his room again.

"I hate living in a house with 20 people"

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