Lucy's Bathroom Part 1

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It was a bit of a gloomy day when Lucy was heading home. Her head bobbed up and down with exhaust, as she has been working all night. She stepped up the stairs to her apartment and grabbed her keys out of her pocket. Before she could unlock the door she hears some tussling inside.

She smirked, "Oh boy here we go again.." Lucy unlocked her door and saw what was causing the noise. "Oh hey, Lucy! Hope you don't mind, me and Gray got kind of hungry, and we know you always have food!" Natsu was walking towards the couch holding a large pile of Lucy's fridge food. Gray sat on the couch, shirtless as usual, nibbling on a small cookie. "Oh hey Lucy, thanks for the snack" he smirked and continued to bite down on the baked good. "You boys always break into my house for no reason and take all my food!" Lucy screeched with rage and the boys stared on in fear and surprise. "Now I have to go out and get more food from the market! Do you know how much I'm wasting!" She continued to yell, "and you both stink! What is with you two always smelling like sweat?" Her teeth were slightly grinding at this point. "Well, when you fight as much as we do you tend to sweat a lot. Food helps with that so you should just let me take care of that." Natsu smiled as he began to unhinge his jaw at the massive tower of food. Lucy's eyes widened and quivered. "Don't you dare make up stupid lies like that to have an excuse to eat my food! Lucy flung her arm towards Natsu striking him across the face. The impact was so powerful that the tall tower of food started to wobble. Leaving it to cover the floor in all it's gooey glory. Natsu kneeled at the spatters food it started to weep. "It was so young! Why Lucy why!" Lucy glared at him. "I'll just, go get some more food, but while I'm gone please clean this up, and yourselves." Lucy grabbed her bag and stormed out the door. Leaving Gray on the couch with crumbly hands from the cookie, and Natsu on the floor next to the mess staring at the door.

Gray got up from his seat. "If you aren't going to do it then I think I will." He reached for a towel on the table but Natsu grabbed his hand in time. Gray's hand flinched at the quick action. "What?"Natsu cleared his throat, "Gray it was my mistake, and as the gentleman, I am I should clean it up." Gray moved his hand away. "Well, that is true. That just lets me take a bath faster. Have fun with that flame brain." Gray walked over to Lucy's bathroom avoiding Natsu's mess, he stepped in his feet clicking against the cold tile. The door shut, and Natsu's food labor began.

Gray is one to take cold baths, as it suits his cold personality. He stripped himself down and closed the curtains of the small window next to the tub. He adjusted the foist knobs, turning the hot water on and keeping the cold knob off. The room quickly began to fill with steam. Gray smirked as he waited for the tub to fill. Once it was full he moved his leg up and tapped his toes into the hot water. He clenched his teeth and he began to sweat, he let the coolness of his body spread throughout the tub making it a high neutral temperature. It caused a lot of steam and made a slight hissing sound as he slowly sunk into the warm bath. He closed his eyes and thought to himself. God, why does hot water feel so good sometimes? The water began to cool as Gray got more and more comfortable. Ah, crap. Only if I could keep this water warm. He tossed and turned trying to get in a comfortable position. his first position seemed to be the most comfortable, so he stuck with it.

Meanwhile, Natsu was viciously scrubbing at the sticky mess on the floor. "Nagh!" he grunted as he scrubbed faster and faster trying to clean it up as fast as possible. finally, after several scrubs, and wipes, the mess was gone. he got up off his knees and wiped his forehead with a sigh. "whoo" he walked to the separate sink to wash the scrubber he had been using. he passed by the bathroom and through the small creek in the door, he noticed that there was a lot of warm steam coming from the bathroom. His eyes widened and then glared What the heck? Gray doesn't usually take warm baths! what the hell is up with him..? Natsu thought as he lightly pushed on the door to peer inside. There he was, Gray was sitting in a hot bathtub filling the room with warm moist steam from his cold body. Natsu was kind of astonished at the sight, for some weird reason it made him blush. What the hell? huh, I guess this warm steam is turning my face a bit red. but that usually isn't the case.. what, what the hell is going on here?! He clenched his teeth and squinted with anger and
frustration. What the hell! no no, you do not like this ice boy! you're just excited because it's Lucy's house, Yeah. Lucy is pretty cute that's it!.. right?... Natsu thought, he looked down and his pupils began to shrink. one question remained...

What the hell am I feeling right now?

Lucy's Bathroom (Gratsu Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now