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Millie's  POV
Jess dropped Caleb and Sadie off at the first hotel then Noah and Gaten at the next hotel ,it took about ten minutes for me and Finn to get to the hotel we said bye to jess and me and Finn got out the car and went into the lobby, me and Finn found out we where sharing a condo we walked to the elevator and I pressed the button for our floor,

We walked out the elevator and looked for our door number I found it and smiled at Finn before we entered,
I opened the door and it was beautiful it was very modern with a living room and a kitchen then two separate bedrooms, Finn smiled at me and went into his bedroom so I went into mine and unpacked my stuff.

I decided to face time Jacob

M: hey baby how are you I'm in the condo
J: I can't speak right now I'm busy
M: but-
Call ended

I felt my eyes start to water and got off the bed and went to Finns room.

F: Millie what's wrong
M: Jacob is being a dick
F: what happened
M: he keeps ending the call saying "he's busy" and just at home recently he's been acting weird
F: do you want me to talk to him
M: no no no please don't he will just get mad and I don't want to deal with that at the moment
F: it's ok, how are you and him
M: to be honest not so good at the moment

I felt my eyes starting to water as my vision got blurry I blinked and Finn had his arms out for a hug, I accepted and hugged him "I'm so sorry" he spoke softly "it fine, thank you" I spoke back my voice cracking slightly "do you want to watch a movie" he asked "yes please" I smiled and he let go and we walked into the living room it had a massive TV and a big soft sofa. Finn sat down and I laid my head on his lap, I new it was kinda weird but I felt really calm an safe for the first time in ages.

"What do you want to watch" Finn asked "um idk u can choose" "ok" we ended up watching the Bridge to Terabithia, Finn started to comb his fingers through my hair and it felt really nice and I started to drift off to sleep thinking why can't Jacob be like this.

Finn's POV

I smiled as Millie's rested her head on my lap god I miss the old days when we would all watch movies together it's just not the same anymore Millie started to softly cry in her sleep I felt so bad what did Jacob do to make her this upset? The movie finished and I woke Millie up and she had tear stained eyes "the movie is finished" I said "ok" "are you ok?" "Yeah I'm ok now I feel a lot better" I smiled and she smiled back giving me a quick side hug as she stood up "where are you going" I questioned " "just gonna go for a shower then get ready for bed" "oh ok do you want me to order some food" "OMG yes please I'm starving" she said with s big grin on her lips "haha ok kfc good?" "Yeah that's fine" she went to her room and I ordered the food

Time skip

Millie's POV

I got out the shower and put some shorts on and a hoodie, I walked into the kitchen and Finn was there putting the food on the plate "omg thank you Finn I'm so hungry" "no problem" he smiled and I smiled back I went to sit down and start my food.

M: so Finn how are you
F: I'm good what about you
M: I've been better
F: I'm sorry
M: it's fine really I don't know why you are apologising
F: I don't know I just feel bad I don't like seeing you upset
M: awww

Finn blushed and I just laughed at him "thank you Finn I don't think I would of gotten through today without you" Finn just smiled and put his plate away and started to walk away "wait where are you going" "to bed" "uh Finn please stay up I'm not tired at all" " okay but only if you watch a horror film" "what Finn no you know I hate them" "fine I'm going to bed night millz" "wait" I shouted as I jumped on his back we laughed and he put me down "fine" I said and he smiled.

Hey I'm sorry if this is boring I don't really know where this book is leading but I think I know what I'm gonna do sorry if this chapter is a bit messy it's really late and I'm tired (if there is any spelling mistakes plz tell me and I will fix them) ♥️♥️

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