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Beauty is a mask
That we wear everyday

Beauty is a mask
For the people to use

For people who are ugly inside
To hide the reality

But that is something
Quite different than it should be

It has become a scale for character
For personality
For interest
For worth

While it was only suppoased
To be something to make us happy

It has outgrown its restrains
And got its revenge on the world

Planting doubt
And fear

Used as a weapon
By those who only have that

To crumble the ones
Who have something to offer the world

To cut their wings
Before they discover the truth

For beauty doesn't really exist
It is only a product of mind

But if people figure that out
If they figure it doesn't matter

What will be left
To the beautifull ones

Except their memories
And their habbits

What will be of them
When they are finally judged fairly

Based on the content of their souls
And not the scale they imagined

That they put up for themselves
That they made everyone follow

How will it look like
When there is no pretty
Of beautiful
Ever again

Would it cage people back
Back to whare they were long ago

Or would it recover their wounds
And free them

Free them to fly

Elysium - Book of Darkness (Elysium #1)Where stories live. Discover now