I Do

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A/N: First fanfic! Pleeeease vote and comment!!


"I do" I say, ready for a lifetime. A lifetime with Simon Snow. I pull him towards me, needing him, kissing my husband for the first time.


Simon POV

I wake up and flip over, my hand reaching for the other side of the bed. Empty. Typical Baz. I roll out of bed, exhausted and hungry. As the events of the night before flash through my head, a wide grin spreads across my face. I look down at my hand, to see the beautiful ring that proves my marriage (I'll have to show it to Agatha, since she still doesn't believe me and Baz could be together!). I think of Baz saying yes, the look on his face. Baz saying his vows. Baz staring at me the whole night, me staring back. Penny crying as she sees me and Baz together. She always said we were a perfect match. Running into the apartment, my hand in his. Kissing, kissing, kissing. Baz kissing my moles, which will forever remind him of the constellations in the night sky. Baz twirling his fingers through my curls. Cuddling and lying together for what seemed like eternity.




My Baz.


Simon POV

When the Mage told me I was meant to watch out for Baz, I didn't believe him. I never would've imagined we would end up here. Now, there is no one I would rather watch out for.

I do- SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now