Bonnie x Male Reader

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(Seme Bonnie - Uke Reader)
Halloween AU/ Child AU
Child! Reader
Child! Bonnie
Child! Freddy
Child! Chica
Child! Foxy
Child! Godlie
Bully! Springtrap
Reader's Mother
Reader's Father
The phantoms


👑💝👑~Y/N POV~ 👑💝👑

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Tonight me and my best friends, Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, Foxy, and Goldie were all going to go out Trick or Treating. My mom helped me out with my costume. Every detail looked perfect. I decided to go as (Favorite Person/Character) this year. Bonnie said that he was going to be Chucky, Foxy said he was going to be a zombie, Chica was dressed up as a demon and both Freddy and Goldie went as roman gods.

Once I had finished checking every inch of my costume, I walked grabbed my candy bucket and dashed out of the room. I ran all the way into the kitchen, where my mom was making coffee and my dad was reading a newspaper. Once my mother saw me, she smiled. "Are you already to go hun?" She asked. "Yeah! Freddy and Goldie said they were picking everybody up so all I have to do is wait for them!" I explained.

She just smiled before turning to my father and they began a random conversation. A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door. "Ill GET IT!!!" I screamed as I ran over to the front door. When I opened it up,everybody was standing there. "Hey M/N! Ready to go?" Bonnie had asked me. I smiled even wider and just nodded my head. "BYE MOM! BYE DAD! LOVE YOU!" I screamed as I shut the door.

The instant I stepped foot out the door, I latched my arms around one of Bonnie's. The two of us have been close ever since we were in diapers, and we were deffinetly best friends. Together the six of us began walking down the street to find houses so we could get some candy. Chica and Foxy began talking about their costumes with one another while Freddy and Goldie rambled on about who would get more candy then the other.

"So you excited?", Bonnie asked as he looked down at me. I smiled and nodded my head. "I can't wait to see what I get. I heard a rumor that a lot of houses actually went out and stocked up on tons of good kinds this Time,so hopefully they won't run out by the time weget there!" I explained. He giggled a little. "Yeah hopefully..." He said before cintinuing to just walk forward leaving the two of us in a comfortable silence as our friends chatted away.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We had already been by at least ten houses and were still all running around in the street to get to the next house. Everyone else was far ahead of me, but I still managed to keep them in my sight. "Guys! Wait u-". I was cut off from my statement as I fell face first into the concrete of the road. I slowly picked myself up and my hands dashed to cover my nose. To be honest it felt like it was bleeding. Small sobs escaped me until I heard laughter.

My heart sank as I looked up. The biggest bully in town,springtrap, was standing above me with the rest of his gang and they were all laughing. Two of his friends grabbed my arms and they all pulled me out of the road and into the woods that were just next to it. They threw me on the ground once they felt we were hidden enough and they all surronded me.

I began to sob louder which caused Spring's sadistic smirk to grow. He walked up to me and grabbed a fistfull of my (h/c) hair and forced me to look up at him. "Look at you. All bloodied up and crying. I always knew you were such a crybaby" he teased as he threw me back down. He climbed on top of me and used one of his hands to pin my arms doen as he sent numerous punches to my stomach and face.

Everything hurt and I was screaming. Somehow nobody heard me though. Just then Spring's weight flew off of me and I looked up to see Chica and Foxy holding him down by his arms while Freddy and Goldie fought off his group. Bonnie came over to me and craddled me in his arms. I gripped his shirt and sobbed for a few minutes. After that he pulled away and walked over to Spring before kicking him right in the face and spitting down on him. Chica and Foxy let him go and he quickly gathered his group and left.

Bonnie came back over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked as his eyes filled with worry. I put on a dlight smile and nodded slightly sinfe everything was still hurting. He pulled me into his arms and picked me up and I pressed futher into him. "How about we take you home. We can all share our candy if you want." He suggested. I smiled again. "Yeah...let's do that...". With that we all stood up,grabbed our candy buckets,and headed over to my house. All the while Bonnie cried me in his arms.

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