Chapter Three

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"Good morning, Dad. I'll be leaving in an hour, I left the business stats and reports on your desk." I gave him coffee since I decided to burn some excess energy and jog to Starbucks this morning.

"Okay, Kathleen. I know that you can seal that deal. Take care."

It's been more than a day since the charity auction. I can say that the company is well pleased with what I did. Basically, I'm in every newspaper, 'CEO of Bellisima Model Agency, Kathleen Bellisima, highest bidder of the night!'

I think that it became one memorable night, not because of the auction I won. It's about the gentleman I bumped into. I wonder who he is, he seems to be very intimidating and I know that not most people can intimidate me. In fact, no one really can except for him.

I turned my attention to the business meeting I'm about to have. I know that I have dealt with negotiations before but I'm not as confident for this partnership deal. I asked our operations committee to run down an intel report about the Peterson Publishing Inc. and based on the reports, I don't get why such a huge and successful company would want to consider a partnership deal with a modeling company.

Bellisima is the top agency! My subconscious shouted at me. Well, I guess that explains it.

I wrapped up everything and grabbed the documents necessary for the meeting. I called Austin and he drove for ten minutes until we reached the PPI building. "I'll meet you in two hours, Austin. Take the car with you and grab something to eat." I stepped out of the car and wrapped my coat tighter. It's really getting colder at this time of the year.

"Hello, I have a business meeting with -" The woman in the reception cut me before I could even finish. "Good day, Ms. Bellisima. Please follow me, this way. Would you like some tea or coffee?" She knows me already, I'm not surprised. I told her that I'm good. She led me the way to the big office, it looks thrice bigger as mine. This company is surely wealthy!

When she motioned for me to open the door, I entered. First, I spotted the huge conference table. I think it can sit more than a dozen people. Four other businessmen were already seated while reviewing some documents. It seems like I'm the only woman here but I don't mind at all. "Mr. Peterson will be right with you in three minutes, ma'am."

I greeted them and took a seat. The man seated near the CEO's seat told me to start the meeting when he assumed that I was waiting with the chief executive officer himself. I'm quite surprised but nonetheless, I proceeded.

A few minutes have passed and I seem to have the interest of the people in the room. Then the door opens, the first things I noticed was a familiar captivating scent. Have I been here before? "I am sorry for being a delay, please proceed." A deep tone hit my ears. I turned around and for a second I thought my visions were playing with me. He is... Mr. Alexander Peterson, himself!

Focus on the damn meeting, Kathleen!

"As I was saying, gentleman. The Bellisima Model Agency will contribute half of our shares under our partnership. Taking care of our models in exchange for the publications. That's if you agree to sign the deal." I can't take off my eyes from him. The same guy who's been in my mind for days, those oceanic eyes, the captivating scent. Everything about him is perfect and he looks hotter in his suit right now!

After running the meeting for about forty-five minutes, I think that I have said most of the important details already. Mr. Peterson stared at me the entire time. He did not even ask questions or intervene while I talked. Suddenly, I feel that the room is suffocating me. He is simply intoxicating and intimidating. I couldn't even look at his eyes for more than five seconds or else I would end up looking at him for the whole day.

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