Chapter 14

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As we stepped out of the apartment Melissa didn't stop telling me how much she missed me and what an idiot I am for letting those assholes get the best out of me. Despite the fact that she had her way of cheering me up I knew something was troubling her She didn't want to admit it but I knew it did.Just the way she looked at me was enough for me to understand that something was wrong. It's crazy how atouched you can be to a person you barely know.You barely know but you love them with all you've got.You don't need to be friends from elementary school or know each other for as long as you can remember yourself, the only thing that matters is your heart. I really get pissed off when someone talks about their best friend and immediately mentions that they have known each other all their life.Guys time is not important. Love is important. Love monitors everything. Love conquers everything. I think that everyone has their soulmate.Maybe he's not in their area, city, state or country. Maybe he doesn't speak your language or dresses like you.This doesn't mean you don't have one. There is always a true friend for everybody out there. Whether they have found him or not.There will always be that friend who will take away your pain, who will treat your wounds, who will lighten you up, who will make you feel special and who will pick you up after he  stops laughing. So there can't be people who don't have friends. There are just  people who haven't found theird yet.From the moment that my parents took their divorce I thought that I was alone.But for the first time in my life I finally think that that's not true.I have Melissa.I have my best friend by my side.I don't know what I did in order to have her.I always thought that I accepted the love I thought I deserved.I don't think I deserve her.She has to be with someone better than me.I am not good for her..I am not good for anyone...

"Helooooo????" I heard a voice beside me

""I spoke confused

"What are you thinking? " She innocently asked

"Oh..Nothing" I was lying and I knew she knew it.

"Spill it"There is no way I am getting out of this.

"Well I was actually thinking about you"

"What about me?" She was confused

"You are very special to me.You are the first person I think about when I wake up and the last when I go to sleep.You are my shoulder to cry on because I know thag you truly care about me.You are the person that makes me laugh even when I believe I'll never smile again.You never get tired of listening my pointless dramas over and over again.And the most important thing is that you help me find my smile, my hope, my courage when I've lost them.And I..I haven't done much things for you but believe it or not I would take a bullet for you because it would be too painful to watch you get hurt..." And with that I cried I don't know why..I just did.I wanted to say all those things to her for so long but I never found the courage to do so.

Melissa was standing there.Just standing there.Her eyes were wet.She was on the verge of crying.And then she pulled me in a tight hug.

"Look I am not good at speeches as you are.I can't express my love for you with words.Cause it's better than words.But I can promise you one thing . I will be always beliebe in you, understand you, accept you and care about you.Even when times get hars you won't be alone you will have me.Okay?" She whispered in between our hug.

"Okay"I sobbed

Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'

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