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EDIT: I JUST REALIZED THE OTHER HALF OF THE STORY WITH THE SPICY GAY ANGST WAS LOSSSTTT THE REST I WROTE ON AO3 BUT THEN DELETEDDD NOOO so fUCK IT TIME TO EXPLAIN- Jeremy and Micheal sit on the floor, Squip happens, they talk about their feelings and Jeremy's like John and is like i don't do the homosexual and Micheal was like fUCK YOU and started cRYING AND JEREMY PANICKED BECAUSE HE FUCKED UP and they huggled and snuggled and any other type of hug you can thing of- and theeeeeennn yeah it ended there because i died.

So, this was BEFORE I knew what SquipThirstClub was so I thoUGHT I WAS SO COOL THINKING DIFFERENT MOUNTAIN DEW EFFECTED THE SQUIP. I guess I can explain the idea though, since I won't finish it.

Basically Jeremy vores- I mean takes the Squip, aLSO GETS SUM FUCKIN WIP MOUNTAIN DEW FLAVORS AND MMM DAMN SOME SPICY GAY A N G S T HAPPENS AND HE DRINKS THE WHITEOUT, which may I mention tasTES LIKE SHIT- I described it as flat soda when I wrote this, and I will stand by the judgement. Anyway, the different flavors effect Squip. Basically, me and Summer (thanks mom) did it based on what the colors meant?

I forgot the exact ones but this is basically what they did

Code red: fuckIN KILLS HIM BB
Live wire: It makes him really anxious, and also really sweet to Jeremy and he cares about health
Normal: Do you know how Squip works-
Voltage: For some reason, me and her decided this one makes him human. I might actually use this idea for a Squip/Jeremy story. ANGST OF COURSE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT
Dew S.A (?): Basically he becomes a fucking cunt. A spoiled asshole. Because purple.
Pitch black (M Y FAVORITE!!): Makes him evil ;)
White out: He becomes... aN ANGEL :DD

So yeah, I think that was all the flavors. I had an explanation for why Voltage makes him human, too. Voltage in this story was ALSO really rare so uhh. OKay here's the story

The mall was [cold], and almost completely empty. Jeremy had asked Michael to drive him there a few hours ago, he didn't give many details other than he needed to buy something. After Rich told him about the Squip, he knew he needed one. He had gotten enough money after a couple weeks, so now had the chance to buy one. He just prayed they weren't sold out.

Michael was walking close behind him, he seemed to be looking around constantly at the few people walking around, most of them being employees. He glared at anyone who got to close, and he'd quickly hold Jeremy's arm protectively. He knew Jeremy was quite naive at times, and often didn't stand up for himself, so Michael became pretty protective of the other.

Jeremy never questioned it, and would continue walking, soon finding the store he needed. He still was a bit nervous of Michael finding out about the Squip, so he told him to wait outside. Michael, a bit confused at why Jeremy was going to Payless, nodded and leaned against the wall.

Jeremy entered the small store, looking around for an employee. He quickly noticed a desk in the corner, where a young man, he looked about 19, was sitting, reading a magazine. He quietly stepped over there, tapping on the desk to get the man's attention. He looked up, smirking slightly. "What do you need, kid?" He asked, sitting up straight. Jeremy rubbed his arm awkwardly, he felt stupid but met the man's bright, olive green eyes. "Uh... is there s-someone named R-Rack here..?" He asked, stuttering nervously. He didn't know why he needed to ask that, but Rich told him to find a person named Rack. The boy smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back.

"We don't have anyone named 'R-Rack' but we have a 'Rack'." He said smugly. Jeremy grinned, bouncing slightly. "Really? Are they here?!" He tried to stop smiling, knowing he looked extremely stupid. Rack nodded, standing up. He was taller than jeremy expected. "Yeah, it's me, silly. So I'm assuming your lookin' for a Squip?" He was still smiling warmly. He had red hair, pale skin, and freckles that looked like several tan paint drops splattered against his face. His arms had similar colored markings. They looked like random blotches of paint. He wore a black T-shirt, and torn, denim jeans. He was wearing a black cross necklace and had rubber bands on his wrists. Jeremy had to admit Rack was cute, and he got a little too caught up admiring him. "Kid?" That snapped him out of his thoughts. He blushed in embarrassment, quickly nodding. "Yeah! I would... like a Squip, p-please?" He felt like an idiot. Rack smiled, signalling for Jeremy to follow him as he walked over to a shelf. Jeremy followed, he was excited. Soon he wouldn't be a loser, he'd be cool! He'd be popular, and people would like him, and Christine would go out with him!

Suddenly a small box was shoved into his arms. Rack looked at him, holding his hand out. "That's gonna be $600 kiddo." He said, smirking. Jeremy took the money from his pocket and handed it over. He was about to turn around and leave until Rack spoke up. "Now, remember. This is untested technology, and it's not exactly legal, which is why you're paying for it with cash in the back of a shoe store. I take no responsibility for what it might do to you. Even if you manage to spit it out, you aren't getting a refund. Got it?" He had a more serious tone, which scared Jeremy.

Jeremy nodded, turning to leave. "One last thing! Take it with Mountain Dew." Rack was suddenly next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Not sure why Mountain Dew, but if you want it to work you gotta do it, I suppose." Rack noticed a new customer walk in. He stepped away from Jeremy, going to see what they needed. Jeremy opened the box, seeing a small pill buried in tissue paper. He grabbed it, throwing the box away in a nearby trash can.

He ran out of the store, noticing Michael still standing by the wall. He ran over to him, suddenly hugging him, he was extremely excited. Michael hugged him back, blushing slightly. Jeremy pulled away after a moment, still grinning excitedly. Michael blushed, looking down. He caught a glimpse of the pill Jeremy was holding. He grabbed jeremy's hand, inspecting the pill. There was a blue horizontal line in the center. "Hey, Jer, what's this?" Michael asked, looking into Jeremy's blue eyes. Jeremy paused nervously. "its ah... a Squip..."

Michael looked confused as he continued messing with the small pill. "What's that?" He asked, letting go of Jeremy's hand. Jeremy laughed nervously, knowing he'd sound insane if he tried explaining it. "Well... It's uh..." He tried to think of an easy way to explain. "It's a pill, but with a small computer inside..."

Michael smiled as Jeremy finished explaining. It was cute watching him stutter and awkwardly explain what a Squip was. "So what now? What happens when you take it?" He asked, looking slightly concerned. "Are you just going to become a popular asshole and... leave me behind?" Michael's voice trembled slightly. Jeremy frowned, hugging him tightly. Almost instantly, Michael began crying, so Jeremy pulled him down gently so that they were sitting against the wall. He rubbed the other's back comfortingly. "Shh... I won't ever leave you, you're my best friend. We'll be together forever! Please stop crying..." Jeremy whispered, rocking Michael softly.

Eventually, he calmed down. They stayed there for a bit, not saying a word, until Michael spoke up softly. "Wanna go to my house? I have some Mountain Dew too, if you want to take that pill soon." He stood up, holding a hand out to Jeremy. He took it, carefully getting up.

"Yeah, that'd be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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