The Start

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So napili kong genre ay HORROR. Bakit? 'Cause I'm afraid to tell you, the following chapters that I am about to unfold will going to be bloody. Haha! This story isn't just about the girl who fell in love, crashed her heart, then find true love, get married, have children, and lived happily ever after.
This is about the girl who's planning to beat the odds and reach her wildest dreams. This is about the girl who decides for her future. The girl who strive for better days. Watch out! Becoz today, I am going to begin the narrative of the story of my life.
My advance apology for this story might take time before it ends. Maybe days, months, years, or even decades. I don't exactly know. All of us don't know. We don't know what the future holds. That's the most mysterious aspect of life.

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