chapter 2

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I just decided to ignore them. But I guess they were looking at me because I was wearing my jacket and cat stockings insted of the school blazer and socks, but the school said I could wear whatever as long as I have the shirt and skirt so I'm good.

I got to my homeroom and waited till school started. "Good morning students, today we have a new student, introduce yourself dear". Mrs. Daise greeted her students. "H-hello my n-name is Alice Mats-s-suki and I hope to get along and become f-friends with you all" I stuttered. "She's been homeschooled since she was a little girl so she doesn't know anything about school so treat her well ok" Mrs. Daise added. "Yes ma'am" her students responded. "Oh, you'll need someone to show you around, can we get two people to show her around..." no one raised their hand. "I'll be one" I hear and see someone stand up it was girl with light purple hair and a cute bow "ah, Kyra my favorite student" so her name is Kyra good to know. "Can we get one more" it was quiet again then I see someone's hand go up. "Thank you my boy, you know more about this school then anyone, alright you three are excused but remember go to your third class after recess" The teacher reminded us. "Yes ma'am" all three of us said somehow together.

The two were waiting at the door for me when a girl tripped me causing me to almost fall until one of them caught me grabbing then pulling me onto him so I don't fall. "Come on Adrien you can't let us welcome the new girl" the one who tripped me laughed. "Next time welcome her more nicely insted of being a pain" he had his hands on my shoulder making me walk out the door. "Um Kyra" I called her name. "What's up Alice" she responded "Who was the girl that tripped me"? "Oh her thats Elaine, Adrien's cousin" she answered "cousin"? I questioned "a family member" She explained. "I don't have a family except for my uncle who was adopted into the clan" I tell her I see Adrien look at me after since he heard I don't have a family. "You don't... have a family" Adrien said with an upseting voice. "Yeah, my family died in a fire except for my uncle" I responded "Oh my I'm so sorry to hear that" Kyra apologized. "Oh it's alright, it wasn't a big deal or anything" I said completely calm. "They abused me after all" they stopped I turned to them. "What why'd you guys stop" I questioned. "Y-you were abused as a child" Kyra said with small tears forming her eyes. "Kyra are you okay" I asked concerned. "I'm fine...I'm just a little upset that you were abused" Kyra responded.

486 words I'm trying so hard to make more chapters more efficiently and I'm making this while in class so I'll try to do more BAIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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