Catfish (Larry Stylinson)

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It was a dumb idea in the first place but I just couldn't help myself. All I wanted was to get close to Harry. How was I supposed to know that my teacher was going to assign us as partners on a project.

I just wanted to see if maybe it was just an infatuation. That maybe beyond his perfect facade he was a prick. But, of course he was more perfect. He was caring and funny, he made me fall even harder for him the more I got to know him.

I should regret making the profile, but it brought me closer to Harry. I mean yeah he and I got close in person, but he told me things when I was her that he would never say to my face. Like how he doubts if he's completely straight because he's falling for another boy.

Then there's the days when he says that he won't go farther with me because of her. So, in the end it's my fault I don't have this perfect specimen. I'm the person in the way of being happy.

I could always just delete the profile, but every time I get close he stops me.

He stops me by sending me a cute message.

He stops me by saying he's having a bad day and needs someone to talk to.

He stops me by being him.

I don't want to hurt him, but being her hurts me. I need to end this without hurting anyone. I just hope getting rid of her will bring him closer to me.

Catfish (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now