Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I was so nervous about picking Louis up this morning. I woke up earlier then usual to make sure I looked extra good today. I then quickly went out to my car and cleaned it out so it didn't look like I was a slob. Most of the trash in the car wasn't even mine. Liam was awful at cleaning up after himself, and since I usually gave him a ride my car sometimes becomes a trash pit of school papers and take out food wrappers. I enjoyed going to school with Liam we would find a weird song and sing really loudly the whole way to school.

I did miss the guy. I mean all he would have to do is apologize and everything would be okay. That wasn't something Liam would do though. He hated being wrong, but I think that just came from the way he was raised. To say his family was strict would be an understatement. I felt bad for the kid and I never asked why he wanted to spend so much time at my house. I would to if our roles were reversed. I loved my family we were really close after my dad left and my mom remarried. I mean everything was great. Except the crush I had on Louis was crushing me.

All I could think about was him last night after I got done talking to Quinn. I'm seriously thinking of telling him how I feel this morning. I just can't take it anymore. I can't take being this close to him, but yet so far away. I need him to know how I feel, and then warn him about Audrey. I was worried that he would find out I liked him from her, and that she would do everything in her power to chase him away. I know he's gay which helps me out a lot because at least I know he's at least somewhat attracted to me. I mean not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I'm a pretty attractive guy.

I left way early then I needed to because it turned out that Louis only lived like five minutes away from me. When he had sent me his address last night when I was at dinner with my family I could not stop smiling at my phone. My mom had asked me about eight times who I was talking to that made me so happy. I said no one and just went back to eating the tacos she had made. Gemma had cornered me afterwards and taken my phone out of my hands I then spent the next hour telling her how I was kind of crushing on Louis. She told me I should just tell him how I feel which seemed to be what everyone else was saying. I just had to do it.

I knew that Louis always picked up coffee for Zayn and then usually a tea for himself. It was shameful that I knew exactly which drink they both got. Whenever Louis wanted to get back at Zayn he would switch his drink to something else. Also, one morning they had run out of Louis' favorite tea, so he had bitched about it for pretty much the whole class period. I headed over to the coffee shop he went to and picked up their drinks and then one for myself and a couple lemon muffins. I then headed over to Louis' house

I was stopped at the large gate that encircled the house. I hit the buzzer and a young girl answered it asking what I needed.

"I'm here to pick Louis up," I told her hoping she wouldn't think I was some psycho.

"Are you LouLou's boyfriend?" the young girl asked me. I blushed hoping she couldn't see it over the security cameras.

"Daisy who are you talking to?" I heard Louis shout before there was a lot of shouting and then the line went dead. Suddenly the gates started to open and I figured Louis must have hit the button to let me in. I drove up his long drive to where the house sat. Louis' house was a little bit bigger than mine, but around here you were kind of used to the big mega mansions. I parked the car and got out walking to the front door and hitting the doorbell. I heard people running around behind the door and people shouting before Louis opened the door looking a little out of breath.

"Sorry about that my sisters can be a pain in the ass," Louis said putting his backpack over his shoulder. I could see he was trying to get out quickly but two girls stopped him.

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