Enough #2

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How oblivious they act

Use their words to your advantage

Judge people and pretend as if we do

Talk shit behind your back

And smile in your face

You know their tricks and yet you fall into it again

You know what they do and yet you say nothing

Your feel like breaking their face and maybe a bone or two too

But you do nothing

You pretend as if it never hurt

You bottle it all in

Just telling yourself that your made of titanium

You brush it away

You know what hides behind those wicked smirks

You know they know your weakness

All this just because you don’t fit in?

We were born not to fit in but to stand out

But bullying someone just because they’re different ?

That’s dumb

Absolutely dumb

If you really have the courage put yourself in their place

You never know their past

PS: And you can never judge a book by it’s cover Well no one ought to be judged for who they are. No matter what we all realise that we’re all lame and weird in our own ways. Not only is it rude to judge people but also inhumane. As today’s generation lets make a commitment to weave compassion and empathy into our daily lives and treat everyone with equal respect, not out of pity but because they deserve to be treated well! #saynotobullying #bethechangeyouwanttosee #Gamechangers

Poems to inspireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora