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I know that I was the one who created the group chat, but it was a stupid idea. It turned into a group chat with many strangers, I just don't think that being in this thing is a good idea anymore. So I decided to delete the gc.

This gc was a mistake, sorry for everything, but it's over now. Good night, Midnight chats 😴

Are you sure you wanna delete the groupchat?

I clicked the 'yes' option and quickly locked my phone throwing it onto my bed before regretting my decision. I know boys will ask me about deleting the gc, but I didn't care. It's definitely over to Midnight chats.


author's note: Okay this is the official end of this story.. but I decided to write a sequel with more characters than just one ship including RT, Harvey and Kieran (lemayo).. Hopefully I will publish the first part of the sequel tomorrow, you can stalk my profile, the sequel's gonna be called Midnight changes. So that's all for this book, I hope you enjoyed this shit lol 😂 andddd bye see ya tomorrow!

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