Abused || Vic Fuentes

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My eyes shot open as I was woken to the sound of my parents shouting at each other. I look over at my small digital clock that was on the night stand, it read 2:37 A.M. I got out of bed and walked to the other side of the room where my twin brother Isaac was. I shook him a little to see if he would wake up and to my luck he did.

"Isaac. Mommy and daddy are fighting again." I whispered to him. He simply got out of his bed.

"Let's go tell them to stop." he suggested. I nodded my head and the two of us headed towards the door.

By the time we reached the hallway, the shouts were louder than we thought. We slowly walk towards our parents room. Each step feeling like they we weighing us down.

The door to our parents room was finally in sight and we decided to take a quick peek. Isaac slowly opened the door and the two of us looked into the room.

What we saw was not like anything we would expect to see. Our own father was holding a gun directly at our mother. I guess I must've gasped or something cause our dad quickly looked over towards us.

"You little shits are supposed to be asleep!" he yelled at us.

"Please don't hurt them! They're your children!" our mom shouted.

"They're nothing but stupid ass 7 year old." he said to her. And with that he pulled the trigger. Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. The bullet coming out and slowly breaking through her skull. Our mom falling to the floor while blood gushes out of her. Both Isaac and I didn't know what to do.

Out of the blue our father came to us and yanked us by our arms.

"You didn't see anything, alright!" he yelled in our faces. We both quickly answered with a simple "yes" and shivered at the fact that our father just murdered our mom.


Each day after that seemed like it was hell. Every single day our father just beat us for no reason. He had told our moher's friends, family, and co-workers that she got mad at him and moved away.

They all believed him.

When Isaac an I went to school, we kept quiet all the time. All the kids thought we were weird cause we didn't talk. All the time during the school years we would try to make friends but nothing really happened.

When we came back it was always thing. Our father gave us a bit of food and hit us if he thought we did something wrong. I didn't like this life and neither did Isaac.

I remember one time we tried to run-away one night but he caught us in the process. We knew we were sure to get beaten that night. And we did. Years pasted and everything was still the same. Same dad. Same lifestyle. I hated everything. The only thing that made me happy was my brother.He knows how I feel.

By the time we were 13, our father practically made us his "servants". We had to do anything he would say or else. That , I have to say, was the worst part of my life. Even if we didn't do the laundry right, we would get smacked across  face.

When we were 16, he started to drink heavily. One day i forgot to wash the dishes and he started to beat me, hard. Isaac came running to us and tried to get him to stop. Our father really didn't like that and he just forgot about me for a minute or so and repeatedly punch him. I couldn't even watch. After that, Isaac was left with a black eye, a bloody nose, and several cuts and bruises.

Every year it was worse. Until one day one of the neighbors had found out that he had been abusing us for many years. No one still knew that he had murdered our mom. The police came and took him to jail for a good 30 years.

Since Issac and I were both 18, the cops said that we could take care of ourselves and we weren't going to a foster family. I was relieved to hear that. But i had a bad feeling that somehow our father was going to come back. I had horrifying nightmares about him coming back and I couldn't get any sleep because of it. The two of us were pretty happy that he was gone and we could finally be in peace.

Being abused can really change the mind of a person. You become really paranoid about every person you see. You tend to stay indoors more often. We both knew that everything was safe.

Isaac wasn't that scarred as i was. We lost our childhood because of that monster. He's the reason I can't even leave the house because I'm scared he might be out there! Isaac had gotten me a therapist but that didn't work. He tried his best to try to get me to forget about what has happened in the past but it was just stuck in my mind. The terrible memories of every single day.

They still haunt me till this day.



yeah i decided to make another fanfic. so uh i hope you enjoy this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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