Awanai Tsumori Genki de ne

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I love him,

so much

that it hurts when he left me..

he was at the other side of the street..

wearing his favorite shirt

he started walking towards me..

he looked at me

and said  "ja ne"

and started walking away..

I felt like dying..

every minute was a suffering..

then just like the in the beginning..

I started searching for my broken heart

I know we have seperate ways now..

then you came back...

said that you still love me

"you're kidding" I said

you smile and said "no"

you came back..

when I was starting to build my broken heart..

"I'll wait for your answer" you said

I had sleepless night thinking for the answer..

I still love you...

and I will tell you my answer...

we were at the same street..

the traffic light is green..

you started walking towards me

you smiled again..

then I will tell you my answer..

I tiptoed and whisper

"don't plan on seeing you again, take care ok?"

you stay still...

and as the traffic light turned red..

you started walking away from me again...

your familiar profile is disappearing from my sight...

I looked up the sky as my tears started to fall...

I turned and started walking on the opposite direction..

still love  you...

but I think you don't love me enough..

because if you really love me..

you will never leave me alone..

we will face the future together...

love means...

accepting everything from him...

understanding his weaknesses..

being loyal to him...

trusting him with your everything...

you left me...

without telling anything...

that only means you don't love me enough...

because you didn't trust me..

so this time..

I will be the one who will go away from you...

I love you...


> > > > KANBI

© aeonxelle

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