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I felt like there was nothing to say. I don't know what was wanted of me nor did I know anything about this man or beast of hybrid.  

"What are you" trying to seek an answer whilst ignoring my own fear.

"I am what I've always been but, now you see me through a new glass. Why is that?" He said with a smirk

The anger sprung out the pores on my body at his daring questioning.

"I asked you. Now speak up or..." Thinking for a moment, there was nothing I could do. He had me right where he wanted me to be. 

"You're here at my will only and I'm not letting you go"  There was that unwarranted control again. I didn't come from a place where I felt trapped to be actually trapped. 

Despite the words emitting so calmly from his lowly state, they were like struggle of control when falling from a terrible height. I faced away, trying to accommodate this new feeling of helplessness, away from the shackles of his presence that chain me here suddenly the tacky shine of the porous, near volcanic walls seemed interesting.

I could feel his eyes on me. They didn't bore. They didn't pry. They just ... looked. I couldn't confirm  but part of me knew I was being watched.

I turned back to him, I wasn't ready but I'd given him too much of a reaction already. Making sure to maintain eye contact, I see his eyes drop to my feet scanning me as if he forgot me in the seconds he didn't have my attention. He rested his head on his knuckles and smiled subtly.

"You're a very deep person" he babbled in a casual tone.

Taken aback by his out-of-place observation, I squinted trying to communicate the unorganised dump of confusion that overtook me.

I stride over to him as a means of intimidation since my words clearly weren't doing me justice. He remained in his imposing sitting position and didn't flinch as the thudding of my feet ceased and I was standing over him. I was trying to get a read on him but nothing came of it. It would be useless to ask why he wanted me since he'd ignore me.

Quickly, He stole my palms looking them over with his thumb, it seems he was trying to read me too, albeit in a different way.

"You think a lot of pain and hurt but you beta these situations for yourself. You think nothing of me and that scares you" He taunted

My eyes went wide at his irritating philosophical descriptions and assumption of me, he didn't notice this as his head was tilted downwards where he studying my stiff hands.

"You feel these things all for yourself" His curt voice piped up once more, continuing to look into my hands.

He took his hand from under mine and brushed it over my wrist to my fingertips. He took my thumb and rolled it towards my palm.

As he did that my body became magnetised to the ground with my knees slamming into the ashy coloured slate between his knees. Shocked at the unintentional movement, I began to panic- he was doing this. To that, he simply hushed me and pushed on my palms, the pain and shock dissipated. I couldn't speak. I physically couldn't speak. He was controlling me.

He brushed my outstretched middle finger and studied me placing my hands within his. Then it happened, the reaction he wanted, of course he wanted it that sick, sadistic cretin. Rage enveloped: hot, pure, heaving balls of core-creating anger, heavy as lead, as coarse as gravel, grinded at my pupils and cemented in my veins. I saw flames through pained surges of blood roving through my body and they were all directed at this mangey mutt in front of me.

RealmTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon