Chapter 1

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 I hurry into the building, now dripping wet, courtesy of the massive thunderstorm outside. I had really been hoping for class to be cancelled this morning, but no such luck. Reaching one of the tables, I sat down, throwing my sopping book-bag at my feet.

Oh, my photos were in there. Shit... I started rifling through my bag and pulling things out, and thankfully, they were fine. One of my classmates and I were partners for a project we had to do, and I was currently responsible for having all the photos.

Right before class was starting, Austin ran in and plopped into the seat next to me. "Sorry, woke up late." he said breathlessly.

"It's okay. We're only doing matting today anyway." I answered, pulling our photos out of my bag.

We worked in silence for a while, until Austin looked up at me. "So I had an idea for some photos. Would you mind if I came over tonight so we could work on them?"

I froze, dropping the matte I was holding. I had no idea if Jake would be there, and if he was, he wouldn't be too happy. I'd just text him and let him know after class. "Uh, sure, yeah." I said, hiding my shaking hands by busying myself with the photos that were scattered across the table.

"Okay, how does 1 sound?"

"That sounds good. Here, I'll give you my address."

After scribbling down my address I looked up to find him staring at me, a strange look on his face. I noticed that my sleeve had slid up my arm and I tugged it down, looking away.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I was trying to set up a shelf and dropped part of it on my wrist and it bruised it."

He looked at me for a few more moments and seemed satisfied so I went back to working. After another hour or so of working, we decided to call it quits and we were dismissed for the day. It was only noon, and it had quit raining for now, so I decided to go back to the apartment and see what Jake was up to, or see what kind of mood he was in so I could let Austin know if our photo op was still on at 1.

I twisted the door handle, surprised to find it locked. Normally if one of us was home, we'd leave it unlocked. He must have gotten called in to work or something. I pulled my keys out of my purse, unlocking the door and stepping inside. Paisley was dancing around my feet, and Nova was crying in the playpen in the living room. I picked her up, bouncing her until she stopped. Who the hell would leave a two month old by herself? Obviously me, because I can't trust my ass of a boyfriend. Something seemed off, but I didn't know what. The TV was still on, and the coffee maker was going, things that Jake would have shut off, or yelled at me to shut off before I left. I turned the corner to the bedroom, and the door was slightly open, and I could hear noises. Pushing open the door, I peered into the room, seeing something I never thought I'd see.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I accused.

The two people in the bed jumped. "Seriously, someone talk. Now."

Jake stumbled into his pants and stalked over to me. "None of your business Ellis, get out."

"Excuse you? You're over there fucking my best friend, I believe it's my business, and you're my fucking boyfriend for God's sake. Get out. Now." I seethed, pointing towards the door with my good wrist.

Hannah looked at me sadly as she walked out the door. I glared at her. Jake picked up his shirt off the floor and slipped it on. "Get the fuck out of my apartment," I said, my voice almost a whisper.

"Your apartment?"

"It's in my name and I pay the bills. Get out."

"Who feeds you and buys you everything when you can't afford it? Who bought you those nice clothes you wear," he started, backing me into the hallway. "Who works hard ass hours while you go to school and follow some stupid little photography dream? Oh that's right, I do."

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