Chapter 2

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all of the juniors stood around the stage, finn smirked as they cheered for him and his band. maggie and jaeden were sitting at one of the round tables. jaeden's hand was placed on her thigh and her hand was interlocked with his other one. she was giggling as he laughed and finn got pissed. 

"okay, guys, we're going to kick it old school, couples come on to the dance floor." he winked before looking at his band and nodding. maggie and jaeden walked to the floor and he wrapped his arms around her waist as they swayed she laid her head on his chest. finn started singing as he watched his friend and the girl he loved dance together. he watched as jaeden placed his hand gently to her face and kissed her. his face contorted into one of jealousy. 

"thank you guys, that's all for tonight." finn says as he turned around and put his guitar, kelsey stood at the stairs of the stage, her dress clinging to her body just how she wanted it. "i'm not in the mood kelsey." 

"what crawled up your ass? you owe me wolfhard, or i tell jaeden that your in love with his girl." finn glared at her as he grabbed her hand, they all left the dance and headed to wyatt's house. jaeden and maggie happened to pull up to wyatt's at the same time. 

"hey, finn." jaeden smiled as he held maggie's waist. kelsey smirked obnoxiously. 

"you look so pretty, maggie, doesn't she finn?" the curly hair boy glared at his date, who's smirk only grew bigger. "well, we should get inside." 

"jaeden! finn! maggie!" wyatt yelled, purposely skipping over kelsey, making maggie snicker. "smokes in the garage, drinks are in the kitchen." jaeden and maggie walked to the kitchen, she stood off to the side as jaeden made them drinks. she felt someone walk up behind her, she would have turned around, but she knew who it was. 

"finn, what do you want?" she asks, rolling her eyes and facing the taller boy. he only smirks, shaking her head she walked to jaeden, taking her cup from his hand. "can we go outside?" 

jaeden nodded as they walk to the backyard. he looked at his girlfriend and sighed. 

"i left my phone in the car,  i'll be right back." he says, kissing her forehead, patting finn's shoulder as he passes him. 

"you know it's rude to walk away when someone is talking to you."  finn told her as he took jaeden's spot. she only sipped on her beverage. "do you love him? 

maggie stood up, throwing her drink on finn. then almost yelled at him. "are you asking me if i love my boyfriend?" she asks, thanking god they were the only ones in the backyard. 

"does he satisfy you?" finn asked her, running his larger hand up her waist, his lips on her neck. "does he make your heart race like i do? does he give you goosebumps like i do." she roughly pushed him off of her. 

"finn what the fuck." jaeden says as he stepped in front of maggie, his nostrils flaring with rage. finn's eyes widen, his hands in the air in surrender. "that's my girl, dude." 

"i'm sorry, jae, but she's just so perfect." jaeden punched finn in the face, causing maggie to gasp because she's never seen this side of jaeden before. "ow." 

"don't fucking touch my girlfriend again, or next time i won't stop." jaeden turned to maggie and walked with her wrist in his grip.

"ow, jaeden, you're hurting me."  dropping his grip his eyes softened as maggie rubbed her wrist. "what's wrong?" 

"i'm sorry, it's just i get so mad when finn does stupid shit like that. he takes everything from me." jaeden tells her, hitting the door of his car.

"what do you mean?"  maggie asked, her brows furrowed as jaeden sighs.

"before you moved here, there was a girl, sophia. i loved everything about her and finn slept with her. you are the one good thing, i won." jaeden says. 

"i am not a toy to be won, jae. i don't like finn, okay." she hugs the boy and kisses his cheek, opening the door for her, maggie smiled as jaeden rounded the corner, getting in the driver's seat. 

"i love you, mags, and i'm sorry if i scared you." jaeden says, his hand on her thigh. she only smiled and placed her smaller hand on his larger one. 

"hey, i'm going to go home." jaeden says as he kissed her forehead. she looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:38 am. "i'll call you later." 

"i love you." she says sleepily, closing her eyes, her heart dropped when he didn't say it back. she curled into a ball and picked up her phone. 

finn wolfhard
hey, i'm sorry
i know i messed up
don't ignore me
i like you okay? and my feelings are real
does he touch you like I do?
does he make you moan like I do? 
maggie, i'm sorry. 
kelsey and i broke up
okay, i got the hint
goodnight princess

she sighed  and started typing

finn, stop, please. i am dating your best friend, 

okay? he told me about sophia. 

did he tell you about how he made a game out of it? 

he broke sophia's heart, he made her depressed when 

she found out that he only wanted to win at a stupid game.

you're lying. he said he loved her

and he also likes his ego, and a pretty girl on his 


stop finn, im going to bed

she shook her head and fell asleep. 


she woke up to her door bell ringing, she sighed as she remembered her mother being out on a business trip, and the twins were gone. 

"hey, are you maggie?" the girl says as she held her hands behind her back, bouncing on her feet. 

"yes. do i know you?" maggie asked her and the girl only shook her head, handing maggie the black photo and a white stick. 

"i'm pregnant with your boyfriends baby." 

mine; finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now