stalker much?

193 7 21

Pizza: guys today is a break day!
Skoop: hmmmm
Sub: what? Whats wrong?
Skoop: its just...sketchy
Denis: pun intended? :D
Skoop: -_- no
Pizza: just relax
Alex: yea sketch we're fine
???: hmmm skoop is onto one believes him
Sub: *watching utube* huh? *piece of paper falls in front of him* [Alex has good vids right* 0-0 how did they know?
Corl: *eats apple* [*wisper* good apple huh?] What? *looks behind him* n-nothing
Denis: *pets sir meows alot* [soft fut right?] Yea-? *looks around* creepy
Alex: *looks at pic of sub* :3 [ he ur boi?] Yea i guess but-who said that?!?
Skoop: *playing fortnight* [can you win skoop] duh im boss! Wait all of meh friends make fun of me...who da heck are you?!
Pizza: so how is your day off guys
The pals except skoop: sketch is pranking us
Corl: ur the only one who was suspicious about our day off
Alex: ur a loser,sorry not sorry
Skoop: bro really
Sub: and you know how to convince pizza
Skoop: what no!
Denis: 2 pockets
Pizza: hes got a point
Skoop: WHAT
Pizza: but skoop got pranked too
The pals: BY WHO?!?
Stormie: BY MEEEE
Pizza: stormie is our personal stalker so she will be popping up every once in a while
Stormie: yep!
The pals: WHY
Stormie: cus pizza let me :3
Jazzy: hey guys we're back
Skoop: where were you?
Madi: the store we needed mor food
Pizza: hit me up withmore dares!
Stormie & Jazzy : bye
Madi: seeya!

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